Course Description

This course is aimed at healthcare professionals who have some existing experience in educational supervision.

What is capability?

How can we move trainees from competence to capability?

How can we use questioning techniques to encourage capability?

How do guidelines influence the development of capability?

These are some of the questions we will be considering during the course of the day. We will reflect on how to encourage divergent thinking and how to cultivate dispositions which are congruent with capability. In addition, we will think about complexity and hegemony in the workplace and their impact on training. We will introduce the concept of ‘conversations inviting change’ and consider the role of this technique in opening up new perspectives for trainees.

Please note that this is not a comprehensive course in how to be a clinical or educational supervisor, but we hope it will encourage you to reconsider your approach to supervision.

Course objectives & outcomes

An exploration of what we mean by capability versus competence

Consideration of techniques to promote capability in trainees

To increase understanding of the effects of complexity and hegemony

Who can attend?

This workshop is available to all NHS professionals in London and South East who currently have a supervisory role - educational supervisors, college tutors, programme directors and other educators.

To book a place

To receive further information about the course and how to book a place please contact

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