type,'home') !== false) { $hometype = true; } ?>

Information for Shielding/ Proxy Shielding Trainees

Guidelines for those health professionals who are shielding and proxy-shielding are currently changing. Below are a slection of resources, articles and links to PSU courses to inform and uopdate. Resources will be updated regularly so please keep linking to this page for updates


SuppoRTT for Shileding Trainees (July 2020)


Returning from Shielding, Impact Adjustment and Moving Forwards (July 2020)


Long Covid support:



Government guidelines on what will change for shielding and vulnerable persons from 1st August 2020



BMA Briefing on Supporting return to work (July 2020)



Covid-19: Shielding doctors express concerns about returning to work



BMJ Blog: Next Steps for the Shieded Doctor (July 2020)
