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Dr Catherine Bryant is the Head of the London School of Medicine. 

Dr Bryant graduated from Cambridge University and trained in geriatric and general internal medicine in London. She is a Consultant at King’s College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust in geriatric and general medicine and is also the Trust Dementia Lead. Dr Bryant has been involved in postgraduate education and training in a variety of different roles for some years. She is an associate director of the PGMDE at King’s and has previously been Training Programme Director (TPD) for Core Medical Training in SE London. Dr Bryant has been a Deputy Head of School since 2014 until her appointment to Head of School. 

Deputy Heads of School

There are three Deputy Heads of School

Dr Jonathan Birns 

Jonathan Birns is a consultant in stroke, elderly care and general medicine. He trained at University College London and he undertook a PhD at King's College London. In addition to his clinical interests, he is Training Programme Director for Geriatrics in South East London and has developed a number of innovative and pioneering medical education programmes. His specialist interests are simulation training and hyper acute stroke care, including the provision of thrombolysis.

Professor Megan Griffith 

Megan Griffith is Consultant Nephrologist and Professor of Practice at Imperial College NHS Trust. She completed a PhD at the Royal Postgraduate Medical School and an MA in Clinical Education at the Institute of Education. She has previously been a Director of Medical Education at Imperial and Training Programme Director (TPD) for Renal and Core Medical Training in NW London. She has developed programs for Faculty development of Medical Educators and has a research interest in Clinical Trials.

Dr Clifford Lisk 

Dr Clifford Lisk is a Consultant Physician in Acute Medicine and Geriatric Medicine at Barnet hospital, Royal Free NHS foundation trust in North London. His main interests are in Medical Education where he is currently Deputy Head of School for Medicine, NHSE, Quality Lead for Specialty advisory committee, stage 1 IMT training Royal College of Physicians and Honorary Clinical Associate Professor at UCL medical school. He is particularly interested in fostering excellence in Medical education and appropriate Medicines use in older adults particularly in relation to addressing inappropriate polypharmacy.


The vision for the London School of Medicine is:

  • World class education for world-class healthcare
  • Excellence of postgraduate training and education
  • Producing clinical leaders of tomorrow

Specialty units / Specialty areas in London information

Medicine School is a vital and competitive specialty that evolves with the latest advances in medical technology. We provide training at world-renowned training institutions including Chelsea and Westminster, St Thomas' and King's College Hospital, as well as a number of excellent district general hospitals. Working with a diverse healthcare population across London, trainees will treat a cross-range of patients and medical conditions in urban communities.

Medical speciality programmes in London

(Information on trusts in each region, can be access by clicking on the relevant speciality below)

Acute Medicine


Audio vestibular Medicine


Clinical Genetics

Clinical Neurophysiology

Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics

Core Medical Training


Endocrinology & Diabetes


Genitourinary Medicine

Geriatric Medicine

General Internal Medicine


Infectious Diseases

Medical Oncology

Medical Ophthalmology

Medical Microbiology

Medical Virology


Nuclear Medicine

Paediatric Cardiology

Palliative Medicine

Rehabilitation Medicine

Renal Medicine

Respiratory Medicine


Sport and Exercise Medicine

Stroke Medicine

Specialty Advisory Group or Pan London Forum information

The London Specialty School of Medicine holds Specialty Training Committee(STC) meetings for the many specialties within the School. The purpose of these groups is to bring together specialty leads from postgraduate medical training programmes across the three London local education and training board areas to consider issues of mutual interest in relation to training, and to foster and share good practice.

Find out more

To find out more about training in the Medicine School, please visit the Royal Society of Medicine: www.rsm.ac.uk

Please refer to the HEE Guidance regarding COVID-19 and how it impacts on recruitment.

For further information regarding speciality curriculums, ePortfolio or exams please visit the Joint Royal College of Physicians website JRCPTB



To access events for your specialty please access the Events Calendar on the Home Page, select the timeframe and specialty for a full list of your specialties Regional Training Days.

Contact us

Please visit our contacts page where you will find contact information regarding all training matters (ARCP, rotational placements, revalidation, out of programme applications, intra London programme transfers, inter deanery transfers, integrated academic training, less than full time training and travel expenses).