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Return to Work after Career Break

A programme to support NHS dentists, dental therapists, dental hygienists and dental nurses returning to work after a prolonged career break based in London, Kent, Surrey & Sussex

NHSE WT&E LKSS has set up a programme to support dentists and DCPs working in the NHS who are taking a career break in excess of six months or returning to work after a prolonged career break. Suitable applicants may be eligible to enrol on our Return to Work Scheme (RWS) programme.

Enrolment on the Scheme provides access to the following benefits:

  • Support to produce an annual Personal Development Plan at a meeting with a member of NHSE WT&E LKSS Clinical Education Team.
  • Access to a NHSE WT&E hands on Return to NHS Work Course within the 6 months before returning to NHS practice, if necessary.
  • Access to up to 25 hours of NHSE WT&E commissioned CPD courses including hands on courses each calendar year during the RWS period. These courses will be identified with reference to the Personal Development Plan

Conditions of Membership of the Scheme:

  • Dentists must be on the NHS Performer List throughout their membership of the Scheme with intention of returning to work in a dental practice providing NHS dental services in the London & KSS area.·
  • DCP applicants must be signed up to be working in a dental practice providing NHS dental services in the London & KSS area or demonstrate their intention to do so in near future.
  • Membership of the RWS Scheme is for a maximum of 2 years in any one period, although further periods of membership are possible following a return to work.
  • All dental clinical applicants (dentists, hygienists and therapists) must be on the GDC register at the time of applying and throughout the membership of the Scheme; applicants must not be under GDC investigation by the GDC or NHSE Local Team, or have conditions placed upon their registration
  • The applying dentist or DCP must meet with an allocated member of the NHSE WT&E LKSS's Clinical Education team, prior to being accepted into the Scheme. A Personal Development Planning meeting must be held with the allocated member of the NHSE WT&E LKSS’s Clinical Education team within one month of joining the Scheme.

For any queries relating to the scheme, please contact england.dentalcompetency@nhs.net

RTW Programmes Information and Resources

Please see headings below for further information and resources.


Return to Work Steps Overview

Dentists Only - Applying for inclusion on the national Dental Performers List

When you are ready to return to practice you will need to decide how and where you wish to work. You will first need to be registered with the General Dental Council. If you wish to return to primary care NHS dentistry, you will need to apply to the NHS England Area Team where you wish to work, to be included in their Performers List. The application form to be included on the Performers List should be obtained from the Area Team via PCSE Online: https://pcse.england.nhs.uk/services/performers-lists/dental-performers 

You will have to submit several documents and show that you have completed Vocational/Foundation Training or are exempt from Vocational/Foundation Training.

You will not have to go through this process if you are going to work in private practice or in secondary care.

Training - Where do I start?

Personal development plan. There are courses on  Accent https://accent.hicom.co.uk/CourseManager/Live/London/Web which are aimed at helping you develop a personal development plan.

Are you GDC registered?

Contact the GDC for information on requirements for registration or go to https://www.gdc-uk.org/registration/join-the-register/how-to-join-the-register

Are you BDA Registered?

As a member of the British Dental Association you can get help with CV's, contracts, and a wealth of advice sheets. There is a reduced membership rate for those on low incomes.

Courses and Continuing Professional Development

Fulfilling the GDC's mandatory CPD requirement is obligatory for continued registration, NHSE WT&E run a range of courses throughout the year at various postgraduate centres across London and KSS. To register and search for courses please go to: https://accent.hicom.co.uk/CourseManager/Live/London/Web

Finding a Job?

The British Dental Journal Jobs Section is a good place to start. Use your contacts and ask around and put the word out that you are looking for a job. Why not circulate your CV around local practices with a covering letter about what you can offer and what they might be looking for?

Return to Work for Dental Therapists

We are excited to introduce a year-long practice placement for Dental Therapists with placements commencing in September 2025 in the London, Kent, Surrey and Sussex areas.

This supportive placement and study programme aims to increase your competence and confidence in providing restorative treatment for paediatric patients. Therapists will have chairside support of a qualified dental nurse and access to a mentor within the practice. This placement is primarily aimed at qualified dental therapists who have not practiced for an extended period. You may wish to return to work as a dental therapist after a career break or have been working solely as a hygienist and wish to provide restorative treatment again.

You must be a UK graduate as a dental therapist and registered with the GDC and hold indemnity insurance.  FULL PERSON SPECIFICATION AVAILABLE IN THIS LINK.

The placement is for one day per week (8 hours) over a 12 month period, starting in September 2025.

The therapist will be employed by a practice for the duration of the programme to provide paediatric restorative treatment for NHS patients in primary care, and to attend study days.

Attendance and completion of all study days is mandatory.

The placement in practice will be facilitated via WT&E NHSE funding to accommodate a dental therapist over the 12 month period. 

To submit an application form please complete this form by no later than 30 April 2025: https://forms.office.com/e/ehucpNVqFj

For any queries, please contact emma.rettig3@nhs.net

Useful Resources and FAQs

If you are a recent UK graduate in Dental Therapy wishing to undertake further formal training, please visit our Dental Foundation Therapy page here: https://london.hee.nhs.uk/dental/dental-foundation-therapy

DCP Guidance: https://london.hee.nhs.uk/dental/dental-care-professionals

Workforce CPD Guidance: https://london.hee.nhs.uk/dental/workforce-learning-and-development

Please visit the links and websites below for further information, regular training updates and support in light of our ever-changing landscape: