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Developing your English for Clinical Practice

New Dates TBC 

Please check our PSU workshops and Peer support page for further updates regarding this course: 

Click the link here

This is a two-day course delivered via a virtual platform – attendance is required on both days.

Demonstrating compassion, empathy, cooperation and respect, relies not just on what we say, but how we say it. In addition to the words we choose to use, factors such as tone of voice, speed and directness - even facial expression - can all affect the way our messages are interpreted.

For international clinicians, trained in a different style of healthcare, and often working under pressure, it is not always easy to get these more subtle aspects of practising in English right.

Even very fluent speakers may be unaware that they may be transferring patterns of interaction from their first language that could cause their intent to be misread.

Misunderstandings may also arise from cultural assumptions about communication that, in a new context, may no longer be appropriate. 

This is not a traditional language course. Working with specialist linguists you will:

  • Re-evaluate your existing English skills and review current learning strategies
  • Discover new approaches and short-cuts to progress, using resources available in the workplace
  • Explore the link between language and professional relationships
  • Consider cultural differences in professional presentation
  • Focus on language use for particular tasks, such as handover
  • Create a personal plan for ongoing, autonomous language development


  • Healthcare professionals within London and KSS specifically
  • Healthcare professionals between Bands 5 to 8 in a recognised training scheme such as nurse preceptorship or development for more specialised clinical roles
  • Pre-registration pharmacists (1 year post degree programme based in trusts); pre-registration pharmacy technicians (2 year programme employed by trust); Foundation Pharmacists (2 years post registration); Clinical Pharmacists undertaking the 18 month General practice pharmacist training pathway as part of the NHS England pilot
  • Postgraduate Doctors and Dentists who hold a London / KSS training number (Foundation years until CCT)
  • London doctors who have completed and passed the entry requirements and have been offered a placement on the London Inducting, Returning and Retaining the Workforce schemes
  • please see PSU’s eligibility criteria for further information

Fee: £0

  • This is a free, fully funded, course which requires commitment to attend both days of the programme 
  • If when your place on the course is confirmed and if your circumstances change and you can no longer attend please let us know as soon as possible so that your place can be offered to those on the waiting list.

There are 20 places available which are allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.

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