SCAN Stage 4: Next Steps
## NEW! FY2 Speciality Applications & Interviews Webinar: What to consider and how to promote your strengths, skills and experience effectively ##
This section is concerned with the steps you need to action your career decisions. Here you will find exercises and resources on strengthening your Medical portfolio, CV and applications, arranging tasters, auditing and research opportunities, preparing for Interviews, presentations and assessment centres. You will also be able to access the new Careers Planner where you can record and reflect on your results from the career planning exercises and activities your have carried out and plan next steps to achieve your career goals.
How can I find out more about the Multi- Selection Recruitment Assessment (MSRA)?
- MRSA test is 70 minutes long in total
- It includes two sections, professional dilemas (95 minutes) and clinical problem solving (75 minutes).
- Find out further information on the MSRA Test Blueprint Information and the GP Recruitment Resource Bank
How can I find out the recruitment timelines for the different specialities?
- These are all detailed in the Speciality Training HEE website
How can I plan my next steps?
- This article you plan out your Future Timeline and assess your motivation to each of your goals.
- This SMART action Plan gives an example action plan and a format for you to write your own one.
- There is also one included in this Career Planner
How do I write a Medical CV?
- BMA recently updated Medical CV Guide
- Health Education England CV and Cover Letter Guide.
- Buzz Words Crib Sheet helps you to illustrate your skills without using buzz words, such as team work, communication etc.
- LSE CV Guide offers excellent guidance on how to evidence specific competencies
What resources can support me writing applications?
- Health Education England guide to writing applications
- Health Education England guide to How to demonstrate your commitment to your speciality
How can I prepare for interviews?
- Click here for a list of possible interview questions
- The UCL Careers Lab has numerous videos on interview preparation.
- Research about structured interview reponses and map out your responses.
- This resource signposts you to key action points based on your area of concern.
- Article about Interviewing with Impact
- This exercise helps you to identify your key strengths, skills and achievements to promote to the selection panel.
How can I create a good evidence portfolio?
Health Education England Guide to Creating an Evidence Portfolio
BMJ Article about How to make a good portfolio
Simple ways of boosting your portfolio - You Tube Video