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PSU Workshops & Peer Support


The Professional Support Unit offers a range of workshops and peer support groups to postgraduate healthcare professionals throughout the year.  Information and registration links can be found below. 

Details on who can access our workshops can be found at https://london.hee.nhs.uk/professional-development 


Feedback from previous PSU workshop participants: 

''Finally, I’ve passed this exam. Your help was just so incredible and really helped me understand and organise myself.'' 

''I got the job this morning! I can’t tell you how much...you restored my confidence...I was told they wished they’d recorded it as an example of nailing an interview!...can’t thank you enough!'' 



Career Planning & Interview preparation support

Courses for Consultant Preparation

Priorities and Preparation for the Consultant Interview 

The NHSE Careers Unit London & KSS is running a 3.5-hour workshop aimed at senior medical registrars and dentists who are preparing for consultant interviews.

This popular session provides the opportunity for registrants to consider key aspects of successful preparation for consultant interviews including identifying individual core strengths and role preferences, managing uncertainty, effective research and confident communication.

Registrants will also have the opportunity to take part in/observe a mock consultant interview demo and practise/ give and receive feedback on interview question responses with their peers in breakout rooms. In the plenary sessions, workshop facilitators will offer general pointers, tips and advice for successful interviews.

Wednesday 29th January 2025 1:30pm - 5:00pm (On ZOOM)    **FULLY BOOKED**

For queries please email: Events.PSULondon@nhs.net


Open MIC (Mock Interview Clinic) - Virtual consultant interview practice  

The NHSE Careers Unit London & KSS is running a 3-hour workshop aimed at senior medical registrars and dentists who are preparing for consultant interviews.

These popular 3-hour Open MIC events provide the opportunity to practise answering interview questions in small groups of peers. In breakout rooms, you will give and receive peer feedback on responding to different types of questions typically asked at consultant interviews. In the plenary sessions, workshop facilitators will offer general pointers, tips and advice for successful interviews.

Thursday 27th February 2025 - 9:30am - 12:30pm (On ZOOM)   ​**FULLY BOOKED**

For queries please email: Events.PSULondon@nhs.net


Confident Career Transitions: Stepping into the consultant role

The NHSE Careers Unit London & KSS team is running a 3.5-hour workshop aimed at senior medical registrars and dentists who are 12 months or less from taking up a consultant post. This workshop aims to support you at this significant transition point in your career. You will have the opportunity to take part in both reflective and future-focused activities with the following aims:

- To reflect on the common themes and challenges experienced by newly appointed consultants

- To identify core areas to enhance competence as a new consultant, such as effective communication, leadership, administration, mentorship and wellbeing

- To have the opportunity to appraise existing knowledge and skills against key requirements of the consultant role, and consider how gaps may be addressed during the first 100 days in post

- To have reflected on next steps and start to develop an action plan to enable a confident transition

Tuesday 18th March 2025 1:30pm - 5:00pm (On ZOOM)   ​**FULLY BOOKED**

For queries please email: Events.PSULondon@nhs.net




Enhancing Performance & Wellbeing

Understanding and Addressing Burnout Workshop Series 

In this series of short 3-hour workshops we hope to create an informal and confidential space for participants to pause and think about features of burnout and how they may address them.

This workshop will introduce you to the beginnings of a CBT informed approach to spotting and addressing burnout. We will invite you to consider what is within your control to change or influence. This will include thinking about some deeply held beliefs (such as Imposter Phenomenon), expectations or perfectionist tendencies, anxieties about risk and negative cognitive distortions impacting your approach to work and wider boundaries.

Both evening and Saturday workshop options are being offered for flexibility.


Delivery format & what to expect:

  • Online via zoom lasting 3 hours. Please ensure you have a working camera and audio to attend.
  • Each workshop is part of a series but can be attended as a standalone session.  
  • The sessions are informal and confidential spaces where we will use small and large group discussions and educational material to think about burnout.
  • Participants will be introduced to a CBT-informed approach for thinking about contributing factors for burnout and how to address them.
  • Pre-course information will be sent out prior, and handouts will be sent to attendees after the sessions. Attendance certificates will be available afterwards.
  • Session information for each workshop is outlined below

Facilitator information:

The sessions are facilitated by Dr Lisa Tyrer, a former GP and a current CBT psychotherapist. Lisa combines her experience as a CBT therapist, her work with medical practitioners experiencing burnout and the relevant research to help participants deepen their insight and skills in addressing burnout.


How to book your place:

Spaces are limited so please only book a slot if you can attend the full session. You will need to book for each session individually and will be sent the zoom link in advance of each workshop.

Session information:

Workshop 1- Understanding Burnout and How to Prevent it (3 hours)

Tuesday 11th Feb 2025  5:30 - 8:30pm - book here https://lasepgmdeevents.hee.nhs.uk/events/psu/b92dc84f-03c1-4726-97ae-a7...

Wednesday 19th Feb 2025  9:00 - 12:00pm - book here https://lasepgmdeevents.hee.nhs.uk/events/psu/111a9424-9baf-4d9d-a041-23...

Saturday 1st March 2025  9:00 - 12:00 pm - book here https://lasepgmdeevents.hee.nhs.uk/events/psu/7ea3ca6a-5001-41b0-ac76-78...

Thurs 13th March 2025  5:30 - 8:30pm - book here https://lasepgmdeevents.hee.nhs.uk/events/psu/6058d202-5582-4035-a742-be...

In this session we will be looking at the ICD-11 definition of burnout and how it presents in medics. We will look at the first key contributor to burnout: energy depletion and exhaustion. We will discuss sleep, self-care, living in line with our values and setting and maintaining boundaries. We will also look at the effect of stress on performance and how you may try to work differently. The aim of this workshop is to give you some tools to develop and maintain a safer work/life balance and protect yourself from burnout.


Workshop 2-The Role of Negative thinking and Emotions in Burnout (3 hours)

Friday 28th Feb 2025  9:00 - 12:00pm - book here https://lasepgmdeevents.hee.nhs.uk/events/psu/037ae8a9-a4e6-4950-8fc9-28...

Tuesday 4th March 2025  5:30 - 8:30pm - book here https://lasepgmdeevents.hee.nhs.uk/events/psu/5be4f560-6e70-44d1-bc99-d8...

Saturday 15th March 2025  9:00 - 12:00 - book here https://lasepgmdeevents.hee.nhs.uk/events/psu/ad11d238-0015-4e56-8842-ab...

Wednesday 19th March 2025  09:00 - 12:00 - book here https://lasepgmdeevents.hee.nhs.uk/events/psu/3a37ba7d-30a0-4ecf-b914-27...

In this session we will look at the second key contributor to burnout: depersonalisation, cynicism and negativism in relation to your work. We will be discussing the effect of automatic negative thoughts, thought biases and rules for living that take over in Burnout and how challenging these can keep us seeing positives in the things we do. We will also look at the effect of emotions on how we feel and think and look at the why mindfulness works physiologically. The aim of this workshop is to give you some tools to challenge negative thinking and avoid depersonalisation at work and home.


Workshop 3- Understanding Perfectionism and Burnout (3 Hours)

Friday 21st March 2025  1:30 - 4:30pm - book here https://lasepgmdeevents.hee.nhs.uk/events/psu/b6ff2593-8e7e-415a-82cc-d4...

Tuesday 25th March 2025  5:30 - 8:30pm - book here https://lasepgmdeevents.hee.nhs.uk/events/psu/dddfc10c-1707-4561-8dbe-f7...

Saturday 29th March 2025  9:00 - 12:00pm - book here https://lasepgmdeevents.hee.nhs.uk/events/psu/c3701aed-f2d6-41d5-bfb5-9c...

Wednesday 2nd April 2025 9:00 - 12:00pm - book here https://lasepgmdeevents.hee.nhs.uk/events/psu/0829e597-0804-4005-94fc-a8...

In this session we will look at the third key contributor to burnout: reduced professional efficacy and the relationship between perfectionism and feelings of not being good enough. We will look at the good and bad sides of perfectionism and tips on managing the negative consequences of perfectionist traits. The aim of this workshop is to give you a better understanding of how perfectionism impacts you and tools for reducing the negative effects including Imposter Phenomenon, anxiety about risk, and procrastination and avoidance.


Further inquiries: For any questions please email Enquiries.PSULondon@nhs.net



Managing and supporting trainees in difficult situations (TIDS)- for senior educators and supervisors

No dates at present

This is an online case discussion workshop for multi-professional supervisors supporting trainees who require additional support. The session allows for confidential, facilitated small group discussions based on current/real dilemmas involving trainees which supervisors would like some support with. We use a 'Reflecting Team' methodology for the conversations which educators are also invited to continue applying in their own departments and Trusts when discussing trainees. There will also be a space to ask questions about the types of support which the PSU can offer. All cases discussed will be anonymous.

Participants will need to join from a space where they can discuss cases confidentially, without interruption and have a working video camera.

Examination Support

Applied Knowledge Test (AKT) Exam Preparation

Thursday 10 April 2025, 13:30 – 16:30

This is a half day workshop delivered via a virtual platform; camera, microphone and privacy necessary.

The workshop is primarily aimed at those who have struggled with this or other exams or who would like additional support.

The interactive workshop aims to provide an understanding of the working of the AKT for this GP assessment and how to prepare for it using the core objectives outlined below:

  • To share a broad overview of the AKT examination in the wider context of general practice.
  • To help candidates appreciate how questions are typically constructed and presented.
  • To encourage candidates to find successful learning and revision strategies and to enhance their examination technique.
  • To highlight the impact of dyslexia and how the exam can accommodate this and other disabilities

The course is aimed at those doing the exam in 3 months time.  It is likely to be less useful for anyone doing it much sooner than that.

KSS GP trainees please note:  From 1st February 2025 all GP trainees in KSS will be supported by KSS’s own Professional Support & Wellbeing Service instead of the London PSU.  If you are a GP trainee based in KSS and requiring support from the PSU please self-refer to the KSS PSW directly after this date. https://kss.hee.nhs.uk/kss-foundation/current-doctors-in-training/career...


For queries, email CommSkills.PSULondon@nhs.net


Exam Preparation workshop

Thursday 6 March 2025, 13:30 – 17:00

This is a multi-specialty face to face course for doctors approaching professional examinations, co-led by education experts and doctors.

Are you interested in improving your revision skills and exam technique? Do you need tips on understanding exam questions, or need a refresher on managing exam nerves?

This workshop will offer you the opportunity to revisit how to revise and learn effectively, help you analyse and understand the construction of exam questions, as well as to try out different revision strategies. In a supportive environment and in discussion with peers, this workshop will also help you consider techniques for managing anxieties around exams. For queries, email CommSkills.PSULondon@nhs.net

Due to limited places and a focus on exam preparation as well as tips on this particular assessment, this course is likely to be most useful for those who are struggling with preparing for this exam or who have struggled with exams of this format in the past, for whatever reason.

KSS GP trainees please note:  From 1st February 2025 all GP trainees in KSS will be supported by KSS’s own Professional Support & Wellbeing Service instead of the London PSU.  If you are a GP trainee based in KSS and requiring support from the PSU please self-refer to the KSS PSW directly after this date. https://kss.hee.nhs.uk/kss-foundation/current-doctors-in-training/career...

Simulated Consultation Assessment (SCA) - Managing Complexity and Uncertainty 

Tuesday 15 April 2025, 09:00 – 16:30

This one-day face to face workshop is for GP trainees who haven’t yet passed their SCA and who may be experiencing difficulties with this exam due to linguistic, cultural or communication challenges.

KSS GP trainees please note:  From 1st February 2025 all GP trainees in KSS will be supported by KSS’s own Professional Support & Wellbeing Service instead of the London PSU.  If you are a GP trainee based in KSS and requiring support from the PSU please self-refer to the KSS PSW directly after this date. https://kss.hee.nhs.uk/kss-foundation/current-doctors-in-training/career...

For queries, email CommSkills.PSULondon@nhs.net


Simulated Consultation Assessment (SCA)  - Individual Session

These 2 hour virtual sessions are for GP trainees at risk of failing the SCA and for those who have already failed. Trainees get the opportunity to role play cases with a role player and senior educator. To book an individual session, please contact CommSkills.PSULondon@nhs.net

KSS GP trainees please note:  From 1st February 2025 all GP trainees in KSS will be supported by KSS’s own Professional Support & Wellbeing Service instead of the London PSU.  If you are a GP trainee based in KSS and requiring support from the PSU please self-refer to the KSS PSW directly after this date. https://kss.hee.nhs.uk/kss-foundation/current-doctors-in-training/career...


Stress and Examinations workshop

No dates at present

This session will be facilitated by an experienced CBT practitioner and provides techniques for dealing with anxiety and stress in the lead up to and during exams. The session will help trainees identify how exam anxiety is triggered, and attendees are guided to develop own formulation, exploring how current thinking and behaviour are worsening their anxiety. The trainee is guided to change unhelpful thinking and develop new, more helpful thinking and behavioural response. 

Trainees will begin by voicing personal experiences in failing exams or the motives for joining the workshop; the course is designed to respond to individual concerns, providing techniques to manage them. After brainstorming about anxiety as a whole, specific anxieties experienced in examinations or around them are explored in depth. Cognitive behavioural therapy formulation is used to address anxiety in a real-life exam situation. For queries, please email 



Language, Writing & Communication Support

Communication Skills - Individual Session

A two hour virtual session for trainees from all disciplines who wish to develop skills for navigating challenging conversations with patients and colleagues, including preparation for communication skills exams. The session is led by an educator supported by a role player and linguist (where appropriate) who will develop bespoke scenarios according to the learner's needs. To book, please contact CommSkills.PSULondon@nhs.net


Presentation Skills for Clinical Practice
This is a one-to-one, virtual session with a specialist presentation coach, where trainees will be able review and rehearse an upcoming project presentation, MDT talk or other public speaking situation they are currently working towards. To book a place please contact CommSkills.PSULondon@nhs.net  

Assertiveness in Clinical Practice

Friday 11 April 2025, 09:30 – 12:30

This is a three hour interactive workshop delivered via a virtual platform.

a) Introductions (voice). b) What is assertiveness? - sharing the win-win approach to communication   c) Basic technique    d) Self-esteem as a foundation to assertive communication. 

Please contact CommSkills.PSULondon@nhs.net  for further details.


Developing English for Clinical Practice

No dates at present

This is a 2 day (or 4 half day) interactive course, delivered either virtually or in person, for clinicians practising in English as a second language. The aim is to raise participants' awareness of the pitfalls of direct translation and explore some of the subtle features of English phrasing that can enhance - or potentially damage - professional relationships. Please contact CommSkills.PSULondon@nhs.net  for further details.


English pronunciation for clinical practice - individual session 

Individual session with a specialist phonetician working on clarity of speech and accent reduction. Can also be delivered to small groups with similar language backgrounds. To book, please contact CommSkills.PSULondon@nhs.net


Influence of Culture on Communication 

No dates at present

A one-day group course, in person or virtual, exploring how cultural values affect what we expect others to do or say and how these assumptions can lead to misunderstandings. Please contact CommSkills.PSULondon@nhs.net  for further details.


Enhancing your Consultation Skills

No dates at present

A one-day group course, in person or virtual, for all trainees wishing to develop their consultation skills through roleplay with specialist actors. Please contact CommSkills.PSULondon@nhs.net  for further details.


Writing Session - Individual

A two-hour session online with a specialist writing coach, focussing on clarity and impact in professional documentation. Trainees will work on their own (redacted) materials. To book, please contact CommSkills.PSULondon@nhs.net

Neurodivergence Support

Dyslexia peer support group

This is an informal online space for dyslexic trainees to connect with each other, share experiences and seek support. There is no formal teaching element but often useful experiences and tips are shared. 

The workshop is facilitated by a member of the PSU team. You will need to have a working video camera in order to participate to help us create a sense of safety and connection during the conversations.

All groups run promptly between 1:30 - 2:45 pm on the following dates via zoom. Late-comers may not be admitted once the group has started to prevent disruption for those in conversation.

Registration details are below.

Please come prepared to have your video camera on for these sessions as they are not passive webinars.

Upcoming dates for 2025:

  • Tuesday 8th April 2025
  • Tuesday 6th May 2025
  • Tuesday 3rd June 2025
  • Tuesday 1st July 2025
  • August- NO GROUP  
  • Tuesday 2nd September 2025
  • Tuesday 7th October 2025
  • Tuesday 4th November 2025
  • Tuesday 2nd December 2025


To sign up to the mailing list and be sent the zoom links before each sessions please email Neurodiversity.PSULondon@nhs.net   

You only need to sign up once and will then receive the monthly email with the zoom link.




Peer Support Groups

Dyslexia Peer Support Group

Please see information in the previous tab on this page on 'Neurodivergence Support' for information about this group


International Graduates Peer Support Group

Please note we are currently reviewing our ability to continue running  this group therefore there are currently no further groups planned.

This is a regular confidential online peer support group for International Medical and Dental Graduate trainees working across London, Kent, Surrey and Sussex.

These informal sessions are not connected to your workplace or training programme. They offer you a chance to connect with other International Graduates in Training, share experiences or dilemmas, ask questions and offer support to peers. The sessions are facilitated.


SuppoRTT (Supported Return To Training)

SRTT Workshop: Positive Intelligence for managing stressful transitions

Tuesday 4th March 2025: 9.30am to 1pm  -  *** Please click here to registerhttps://lasepgmdeevents.hee.nhs.uk/events/psu/e58f8ddb-41da-4d24-860b-51... ***

This half-day virtually-facilitated workshop is targeted at doctors and dentists in training who are transitioning back to work after a period away from training, which may be causing increased levels of anxiety and stress.

The workshop is drawn from the evidence-based neuroscience and positive psychology of effective transformational change developed by Shirzad Chamine and his Positive Intelligence team. 

Who should attend - This workshop is open to doctors and dentists across all specialities, from all stages of training, who are returning to training following a break.

"This workshop will absolutely help with personal and professional development & I will recommend to colleagues!"  "Excellent workshop with a great blend of practice and theory to back that."



SRTT Course - Returning to Work with Confidence and Positivity  

Wednesday 26th March 2025: 9.30am to 1pm - *** Please click here to register - https://lasepgmdeevents.hee.nhs.uk/events/psu/7b6a03c2-2779-41c2-88e7-12...***



No matter what stage of our careers, whether we are returning to training from taking a break or not, almost everyone will face challenges at some point in their career.  


Our workshop takes a facilitative, interactive approach with practical tools and activities to help you.  

Whatever your reason for taking a break from training, thishalf-day workshop will support you to return with confidence.  


Learning Objectives: 

By the end of the workshop, you will be able to: 

  • reflect on your hopes and anxieties attached to returning to work 

  • consider negative assumptions and unhelpful thinking habits that may contribute to your stress and worry 

  • explore mind and body strategies for bringing about positive transitions 

The workshop will support you in:  

  • managing your return to work with ease and positivity 

  • providing a supportive space to explore hopes and concerns surrounding your return 


Who should attend: 


This workshop is open to doctors and dentists across all specialities, from all stages of training, who are returning to training following a break or who have just returned to training.To maintain an interactive approach, there is a limit of 20 participants.As this is an interactive session, participants will be asked to make sure they are fully visible on webcam and audible, to participate.




SRTT Course - Strategic Communication and Assertiveness 

Future dates to be confirmed

Effective communication is essential in clinical practice, particularly when facing challenging interactions with colleagues. In this workshop, we will adopt an explorative and strengths-based approach to help you understand and develop strategic communication skills. This will empower you to handle difficult situations assertively, enhancing your ability to manage conflicts without harming professional relationships.


Through interactive group discussion and breakout groups, we will share activities and practical tools focused on conflict resolution, negotiation, and influencing skills. By engaging collaboratively, you'll gain insights and techniques to enhance your capability with complex communications, ultimately contributing to a more positive and effective working environment in your clinical practice.


Learning Outcomes:

  • Communicate assertively in challenging situations without damaging professional relationships.
  • Apply effective conflict management strategies when interacting with colleagues.
  • Enhance negotiation and influencing skills to improve collaboration within hierarchical environments.
  • Employ practical techniques to handle aggressive behaviours and navigate hierarchical challenges professionally.

SRTT Workshop: Take control of your career: Return with confidence

The PSU Careers Unit is offering a new workshop for doctors taking time out of training and looking to return with confidence.

This half-day facilitated session focuses on building your career confidence and will provide practical steps that you can take to ease your transition back to clinical work. In this interactive workshop you will have an opportunity to share best practice and meet other clinicians virtually who are returning to clinical practice after a break. 

By the end of the workshop you will have:

  • Experienced empowering and interactive techniques to build your self-belief and confidence 
  • Appreciated your strengths and new transferable skills  
  • Considered how transition points during your training could enhance your career and leadership potential 
  • Planned practical aspects of your return, integrating your work return and long-term objectives 
  • Identified resources available to you for your Supported Return To Training (SuppoRTT) and how to access them.

Future dates to be confirmed

For queries please email: Events.PSULondon@nhs.net


SRTT Workshop: From ‘impossible dream’ to ‘liveable reality’: A strengths-based approach to sustainable work life balance


No matter what stage of our careers, whether we are returning to training from taking a break or not, almost everyone will face challenges at these critical transition points. How we can effectively manage the demanding balance between being a productive and successful professional and having a happy and rewarding personal life is at the centre of this workshop.


Whether maintaining a healthy balance sounds like ‘the impossible dream’ or simply a goal you feel you are fairly close to but could do with some help to achieve, our workshop takes a group coaching, interactive approach with practical tools and activities to help you. Balance is different for everyone, so by using an explorative, strengths-based approach, you will come away with tools and resources that meet your individual needs and preferences.

Whatever your reason for taking a break from training, this half-day workshop will support you to define and sustain a healthier balance in your life both now and in the future.

Who should attend - This workshop is open to doctors and dentists across all specialities, from all stages of training, who are returning to training following a break. To maintain an interactive approach, there is a limit of 20 participants.

“Wonderful facilitators - so friendly and warm.”   “The facilitators delivered the course very competently with an interactive approach.”   “Thank you for your time you were very engaging and compassionate.”

Future dates to be confirmed


For queries please email: Events.PSULondon@nhs.net