Bullying and Harassment for Medical Educational Leads & Supervisors

A fully interactive, new, free half-day workshop to share experiences and consider how we might prevent, respond to and support learners/supervisors affected by Bullying & Harassment in our workplaces.

We aim to enable participants to reflect on their current challenges and consider solutions/practical steps for their teams.

The nature of the work and cases discussed will be anonymised, confidential and safe.

Course numbers are limited to 25.

Mode of delivery: Interactive, face to face, central London. There will be opportunities for networking and establishing connections with peers.


Dr Ruth Ruggles, AD, Professional Development Department

Dr Ali Hassas, AD, Professional Support Unit, Professional Development Department

Dr Mel Sayer, AD for Multi Professional Faculty Development, Professional Development Team

Who should attend?

Educators/Educational leads from any medical background.

Date and time: 7 November 2024, 09:00 – 13:00


This workshop is open to educators/educational leads from any medical background.

To book your place please complete the booking form at the following booking link:  Booking Form

Enquiries: FacDev.London@nhs.net