Mindfulness for Medical Doctors - M4MD PROGRAM Mindfulness for Medical Doctors 2-day online retreat

As part of wider multi-professional agenda of well-being of our returning doctors, we have decided to move two-day very intensive group retreat-like meditation program for resilience building (M4MD) to an online platform.

This will be followed up by two web based 1 hour follow-up sessions at 4 and 8 weeks after the completion. This program is intended to increase your sense of purpose and meaning in your life and job, as well as reduction of psychological stress.


  1. A retreat is a closed and calming environment, where mindful awareness can be cultivated for a prolonged period of time.
  2. The aim is friendly introspection and a willingness to refrain from the distractions of normal daily life.
  3.  We will meet on Friday at 8.45 for registration to start at 9.00am sharp for our Intensive 2-day group retreat (9.00- 5.00, one hour lunch break,  two 20min breaks for tea ).
  4. The second day is delivered on Monday at 8.45am to start 9.00am sharp.
  5. Each retreat day contains 4 x 90min modules. In the 90 minutes, the slightly shortened materials from each weekly M4MD session is delivered.
  6. It contains educational, meditation, feedback on meditation and group work.
  7. Homework is given after each day of the retreat. (home meditation, self-monitoring and reflective exercises)

This is the framework:

  • A retreat is a special period of calm that would normally happen in a contained environment like a retreat centre or a conference centre/hotel in quiet and calming surroundings.
  • A retreat is made possible by a group of people adhering to a set of pre-agreed rules.
  • Participation in a retreat is linked to a voluntary and free agreement to stick to these rules.
  • Not sticking to the rules is a very reasonable choice. It means the non-participation or withdrawal from the retreat.
  • All rules are made to ensure a safe and calming experience for all retreat participants and make the retreat a meaningful event.
  • If one participant does not agree to the rules, it threatens the retreat success for all.

Rules and Recommendations for the Retreat (Basic Precepts)

  1. Please prepare yourself and the people you live with that you are going to be on retreat. Ask them to allow you not to participate in daily family/home life like you would normally do.
  2. Advise your colleagues, friends and patients that you will not be available during the day of the retreat
  3. Find a calm and warm space with a chair to sit, and a space to lie down. Have blanket ready to cover yourself and plenty of cushions and soft materials around you. Have some space to move and walk uninterrupted if possible.
  4. Choose a room with a good internet connection.
  5. Use your digital screen exclusively to listen/see to the retreat.
  6. Please keep your camera on, as you cannot take part in the retreat without your image in the virtual joint space.
  7. You cannot participate without you agreeing to have your camera on at all times.
  8. Please switch of all other phones, screens, internet tools, email accounts and social media streams during the course of the retreat.
  9. You cannot take part in the retreat unless you agree to switch of all other phones, screens, internet tools, email accounts and social media streams during the course of the retreat.
  10. Feel free to have tea/coffee/water with you in your retreat room.
  11. Allow yourself to be largely uninterrupted, undistracted and unaffected by anything other than your own mind and body, other than the program of the retreat.
  12. The retreat is carefully timed and paced. The time that you dedicate to the retreat is being hugely valued. Please make a commitment to be available for all activities at the precise time arranged.

Give yourself permission to do things differently, and connect to your own experience in a new way.

We look forward to sharing this time with you.

With warm wishes


Florian Ruths

Francesca Turner

Dan Bailey

Friday, May 14, 2021 - 08:30 to 17:30
Suitable for all specialties
PSU / Supported Return to Training
Sub Specialty: 
Suitable for all sub specialties