Exam Preparation Workshop - Virtual Session Please click the links below to book onto the workshop. Thursday 1st February 2024 13:30-16:30 Thursday 8th February 2024 13:30-17:00 This is a three hour workshop delivered via a virtual platform. This multi-professional, fully funded session supports trainees in preparation for their higher exams. It is aimed at those who wish for additional support in approaching the examination process as well as trainees who have been unsuccessful in previous exam attempts. The workshop will address areas such as revision, planning and preparation strategies, exam techniques and performance anxiety. By the end of this workshop you will have: Reflected on aids and barriers to your learning for higher exams Developed an effective revision strategy Considered a variety of exam techniques Identified support for managing performance anxiety Workshop content The workshop will address the themes above It will be a mixture of group discussions and smaller group/individual exercises. The workshop is run by specialist facilitators with expertise in areas including learning support, dyslexia and clinical education There will be breaks during the session where you will do individual activities and then come back to the group Eligibility Healthcare professionals within London and KSS specifically: Healthcare professionals between Bands 5 to 8 in a recognised training scheme such as nurse preceptorship or development for more specialised clinical roles Pre-registration pharmacists (1 year post degree programme based in trusts); pre-registration pharmacy technicians (2 year programme employed by trust); Foundation Pharmacists (2 years post registration); Clinical Pharmacists undertaking the 18 month General practice pharmacist training pathway as part of the NHS England pilot Postgraduate Doctors and Dentists who hold a London / KSS training number (Foundation years until CCT) London doctors who have completed and passed the entry requirements and have been offered a placement on the London Inducting, Returning and Retaining the Workforce schemes please see PSU’s eligibility criteria for further information Fee: £0 This is a free, fully funded workshop Following session confirmation, if your circumstances change and you can no longer attend please let us know as soon as possible so that you place can be offered to those on the waiting list CAPTCHA This question is for testing whether or not you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submissions. What code is in the image? * Submit