type,'home') !== false) { $hometype = true; } ?>

Acute Medicine

Generic Job Families

Specialist Areas

Functional Requirements

Details/Health and Safety Indicators

Inpatient work



See general inpatient work

Outpatient work



See general outpatient work


The following specialist activities: 

Require good manual dexterity, use of the hand and wrist and good coordination.

May present a difficulty for doctors with advanced arthritic/ bone conditions which limits dexterity


Use of ultrasound for emergency echocardiogram or for insertion of chest drain

Good manual dexterity


Use of wrists in hyperextended or flexed position


Good hand and eye coordination



Airway management including bag and mask ventilation

Good manual dexterity and use of upper body strength



DC Cardioversion

Good manual dexterity



Lumbar puncture

Good manual dexterity



Arterial blood sampling


Cannula insertion





Good manual dexterity



Abdominal tap

Good manual dexterity



Nasogastric tube insertion

Good manual dexterity