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Emergency Medicine

Generic Job Families

Specialist Areas

Functional Requirements

Details/Health and Safety Indicators

Inpatient work



See general inpatient work

Outpatient work



See general outpatient work


The following specialist activities:

Require good manual dexterity, use of the hands, wrists and upper limbs, good hand eye coordination and occasional upper body strength

May present difficulties for doctors with advanced arthritic/ bone conditions which limit dexterity

Emergency Department shop floor clinical duties

Chest Drains/pleural tap and aspiration




Use of ultrasound for emergency echocardiogram or for insertion of chest drain

Use of wrists in hyperextended or flexed position



Arterial Blood gases




Airway management including bag and mask ventilation

use of upper body strength



Reduction of fractured bones/Dislocation of large joints.

Large joint examination


use of upper body strength. Will also require ability to engage in manual handling



DC cardioversion




Incision and drainage of abscess

good hand eye coordination



Suturing of wounds

use of good hand eye coordination







Lumbar Puncture




Major Trauma/incident

Advanced Trauma Life support

Psychological resilience to cope with the aftermath of major incident. In addition to requiring use of any of the skills mentioned above.

Requires use of both upper limbs and substantial application of force, repetition and awkward movements and adopting awkward static postures. May require ability to sustain for long periods

Risk of post traumatic stress in vulnerable individuals


Ability to engage in manual handling


May present difficulties for doctors with advanced arthritic/ bone conditions, which limit dexterity


Exposure prone procedures specific to emergency medicine

Pre-hospital trauma care

Acute trauma patients with open tissues

Rectal examination in presence of pelvic fracture

Internal cardiac massage

Deep suturing to arrest haemorrhage

See exposure prone procedures



Transfer of patient to operating table/log rolling/spinal immobilization

Will require ability to engage in manual handling




Catheter insertion