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Welcome to the Quality, Patient Safety and Commissioning (QPSC) Team

Thlynda_frost.jpge QPSC Team sits within the Health Education England London office. Our multi-professional team work closely with colleagues across the three local footprints (north central and east London, north west London and south London) which form the London region.

The aim of the QPSC team is to advise and support the London region, ensuring that patient safety and the quality of training are our priorities in all education and training matters and coordinating initiatives to continually drive up the delivery of high quality education and training across London.  This includes the management of performance systems, quality visits and regulatory reporting processes.

The QPSC team is responsible for ensuring that regulatory requirements of all the professional regulators are met and exceeded. By working closely with colleagues across the region we ensure that best practice in all aspects of commissioning drive excellence, using relevant data and information, from a variety of sources, to inform high level judgments with regard to health education and training.

These pages are designed to provide information and assurance to professionals, trainees, students and members of the wider community in London. I hope that you find the information that is included useful, but if you have any queries or feedback please contact the team directly

Lynda Frost
Head of Quality, Patient Safety and Commissioning