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If you have an enquiry, please read the information provided below to determine where to direct your enquiry to ensure it is received by the appropriate team and answered promptly.

Your enquiry concerns:

Medical/Dental postgraduate training in London

If you have a post on a postgraduate medical/dental training programme within London and South East, your enquiry should be directed to the Healthcare EducationTeam contact under the specialty in which you are training. Please follow the following link to find the relevant contact details (email addresses and telephone numbers): https://london.hee.nhs.uk/contact/training-programme-contact 

General Practice training in London

If you have a post on a postgraduate GP training programme within London and South East, please go to the following site where you have access to extensive targeted FAQs and are also able to submit an enquiry. https://lasepgmdesupport.hee.nhs.uk/support/home#2

Recruitment to postgraduate Medical/Dental training programmes

Please see the LaSE recruitment website for detailed information about recruitment processes. https://london.hee.nhs.uk/recruitment/london-and-kent-surrey-and-sussex-lakss-recruitment   For all recruitment-related enquiries, please refer to our online Applicant Enquiry Portal, where extensive, targeted FAQs are provided. You can also submit an enquiry via this online service: https://lasepgmdesupport.hee.nhs.uk/support/home#4

Recruitment to postgraduate Medical/Dental training programmes and you are a consultant

The Panel Enquiries team will respond to your enquiry. Please use the Panel Member query section.

An Inter Deanery transfer

You can obtain information on the grounds under which you qualify for an inter-deanery transfer on the following page of our website: https://london.hee.nhs.uk/medical-training/trainee-resources/inter-deanery-transfers