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General Internal Medicine (GIM)


Training in General (Internal) Medicine (GIM) offers dynamic and challenging acquisition of the skills and competencies. Our programme train doctors to become consultants equipped with expertise in diagnostic reasoning, managing uncertainty, dealing with co-morbidities (complex medical problems involving multiple symptoms and conditions) and recognising when specialty opinion or care is required. 

Our dynamic programme has over 1000 trainees and offers training opportunities across a wide range of teaching centres throughout London and Kent, Surrey and Sussex.   All trainees following the GIM curriculum to CCT will be doing so in parallel with training in another medical specialty. 


The vision for the GIM is: 

  • Strong educational focus delivering world-class healthcare. 
  • Excellence of postgraduate training and education 
  • Producing clinical leaders of tomorrow, providing safe, patient centered and high-quality care

Training Consultants ready to practice in modern healthcare systems.  To manage and respond to the increase in multimorbidity and complexity in acute and chronic disease management.


Training Programme 

Trainees may be recruited to GIM specialty training as part of dual specialty training programmes coupled with the following specialties: acute medicine, cardiology, gastroenterology, renal, respiratory, diabetes and endocrinology, geriatrics, clinical pharmacology and therapeutics, infectious diseases, and rheumatology. . 


Specialty Training Committee (STC)  

GIM holds STC and School Board meetings three times a year with trainee representation. The purpose of these groups are to bring together the training programme directors and educator leads from each of the postgraduate training centres to consider issues of mutual interest in relation to GIM training, and to foster and share good practice. 


Find out more 

To find out more about training in GIM, please visit the Royal College of Physicians website at  https://www.jrcptb.org.uk  

Useful Information and Links

GIM curriculum - click here

ePortfolio -  click here 

GIM specialty page on JRCPTB website - click here

PGMDE Trainee Support Portal - click here



Please submit these through the trainee portal - click here


020 7866 3219