Continuing Professional Development and Workforce Courses
Eligibility for Courses
All of the courses contained on the Accent system are approved and meet the continuing professional development (CPD) requirements of the General Dental Council. Courses are open to NHS practitioners with a PCT Performer number. Dental Care Professionals & Dentists working in the GDS or CDS can also attend these courses.
Subject to availability, non-NHS General Dental Practitioners may be admitted to a course.
Please note that from 31st August 2020 the legacy E Wisdom platform has been decommissioned. Please note WT&E LKSS cannot access old E-Wisdom CPD certificates on behalf of registrants after this date.
To register for an account of Accent, please go to
Please also see attached document at bottom of this page explaining how to register for an Accent account
CPD for Dental Registrants
London and KSS Dental team provide a comprehensive range of continuing professional development (CPD) and workforce training for GDC dental registrants. The training available for the dental workforce is aimed at developing and maintaining skills, knowledge and competencies, across multiple domains.
Keeping your skills, knowledge and competence up to date throughout your career is a vital part of being a dental professional. From January 2018 the GDC has developed a new style Enhanced CPD scheme which is designed to be flexible, so you can plan activity to suit your professional needs, and adapt your activity as required across your CPD cycle. Depending on your registrant title, you must do a certain minimum number of hours of verifiable CPD for each five year cycle. You may continue to do non-verifiable CPD, however all hours submitted to the GDC must be verifiable.
Reflection is an important process for you to evaluate the impact of your CPD activity, taking some time to review and reflect on your activities allows you to assess what benefits you have gained and how you have implemented your learning. Activity should be undertaken consistently and recorded throughout your cycle. A complete CPD record includes your log of activity with development outcomes linked to each activity, your personal development plan, and the evidence you have collected from each activity. You must submit your annual statement each year to the GDC and you will be notified to make your CPD statement when you get your annual renewal notice. All courses run by Health Education England will be aligned to the development outcomes to fulfil the requirements of the new style ECPD.
For further information visit:
Since 1st September 2020 all of our London and KSS CPD courses are advertised via Accent
NHSE WT&E LKSS runs courses at the following centres across London and KSS
- East Kent Hospital (Canterbury) (hands on facilities)
- Royal Surrey Hospital (Guildford) (hands on facilities)
- St Richard's Hospital (Chichester) (hands on facilities)
- East Surrey Hospital (Redhill) (hands on facilities)
- Queen Victoria Hospital (East Grinstead) (hands on facilities)
- LonDEC (KCL) (hands on facilities)
- Croydon University Hospital (hands on facilities)
- Northwick Park Hospital (hands on facilities)
- Eastman Dental Hospital (hands on facilities)
- Queen Mary University London (hands on facilities)
- Kings College Hospital (hands on facilities)
HEE London KSS also offers a wide range of online remote attendance courses.
Enrolling on a Course
Once registered on Accent all courses are booked and paid for online.
Records of Attendance
A register will be provided at each course you attend. Although it is the responsibility of each dentist / delegate to keep their own CPD record, HEE LKSS also records the attendance of each delegate. In order to do this, the delegate needs to sign the register to confirm their attendance at face to face courses or sign into online courses using their full name.
All attendees will receive a certificate of attendance when confirmed as attending the course and feedback has been provided, when you have completed feedback you will be able to download your certificate of attendance.
The courses Health Education England organise are valuable learning experiences.People who do not attend when allocated a place deprive others, especially in cases where numbers are limited.
All courses are subject to the London and KSS Dental Education and Training cancellation policy. Please consult the full policy on the Accent Course Manager home page:
Should you have any queries about courses please contact the our team at