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Clinical Oncology

London and South East (LaSE) Recruitment manage the national recruitment for Clinical Oncology ST3 Training  across England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.

Working alongside The Royal College of Radiologists we manage a centralised process aimed at delivering a fair and consistent process for all applicants.

For more information about Clinical Oncology training please refer to the college website

For careers advice please visit the Health Careers Website

Please refer to the HEE Guidance regarding COVID-19 and how it impacts on recruitment.

Post Information

Please refer to the Clinical Oncology vacancy on Oriel for details of indicatives post numbers for the next round of recruitment https://www.oriel.nhs.uk/Web/Vacancies

Where possible we try and give an indication if a region will have any posts to enter in to the round, but please be aware that these numbers are subject to change.