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Guide for approved training GP Practices

interested in hosting a supervised clinical placement for a doctor

on the GP International Induction and Return to Practice programmes 


What is the NHS GP International Induction and Return to Practice Programme?

Answer: The NHS GP International Induction Programme (IIP) and Return to Practice Programme (RtP) (formerly known as the GP Induction and Refresher (GP I&R) Scheme) are designed to provide a safe, supported and direct route for qualified GPs to join or return to the NHS General Practice.

The NHS GP International Induction Programme (IIP) provides a supported pathway for overseas qualified GPs to be inducted safely into NHS General Practice. For more information regarding the programme and application process please click here .

The NHS GP Return to Practice Programme (RtP) provides a safe, supported pathway for qualified GPs to return to NHS General Practice after an absence of more than 2 years. For more information regarding the programme and application process please click here . 


Who oversees the scheme?

Answer: The scheme is overseen by experienced administrators. Our contact email address is irscheme.lase@hee.nhs.uk

The Interim Associate Dean and London GP I&R scheme lead is Dr Rizvia Khan.


How do doctors join the scheme?

Answer: Doctors who fall into the categories above must first register with the GP National Recruitment Office (NRO). They must separately apply to be on the GMC register with a license to practise. The GMC stipulates what is needed as proof to enable inclusion on the register, but for doctors whose first language is not English, an English qualification (IELTS or OET) is likely to be required. Once the doctor registers with the GP NRO, their details are passed to us. They will then need to pass an MCQ assessment after which a supervised clinical placement is organised, the length of which depends on their exam results.

In the majority of cases, the placement will be between 1-6 months in duration, full time equivalent (FTE). Full time is 37.5 hours a week – that is, 7 clinical sessions plus a self-directed learning session and a tutorial.

In certain cases, UK qualified GPs who fulfil the requisite criteria may not need to do the assessment, but may instead submit a portfolio of evidence (the portfolio route), followed by
a 1-month placement.

GPs from certain countries (currently Australia, New Zealand, South Africa and Canada) can apply for the CEGPR Streamlined route, whereby if they are eligible, they submit a portfolio of evidence to the RCGP. Successful candidates can proceed to a 3-month placement.

In order to start their supervised placement, I&R doctors must apply for inclusion on the performers list, which should be possible once they have a GMC license to practise and are registered on the GP I&R scheme. Their inclusion on the performers list will be conditional on them satisfactorily completing the scheme. Once this happens, as evidenced by a satisfactory final report from their educational supervisor, we write to NHS England recommending that the conditions to their membership are lifted.


Which practices are able to host our supervised clinical placements?

Answer: Only approved training practices are generally allowed to host placements for our doctors.

Placements are also subject to approval by the patch AD – this depends on whether there is thought to be enough capacity in the practice to allow placement of the doctor without negatively impacting on existing learners.

International Induction Programme (IIP) – practices who would like to host a placement for an international doctor who requires a Health and Care Worker Visa need to hold a Visa sponsorship licence.


What is involved educationally with taking on an I&R doctor?

Answer: You will need to provide a tutorial every week, which is 2 hours for a full-time doctor, or proportionately less for a less-than-full time doctor.

You will need to carry out a learning needs assessment and agree on an educational contract with the doctor at the start of the post.

You will be required to submit a ‘mid-term report’ commenting on the doctor’s progress against pre-specified competences and another ‘end of placement report’ to confirm you believe them to be competent to practise independently. To do this, you will need to have seen the doctor consult and be aware of how they manage administrative tasks and relationships in the practice. Colleagues in the practice may choose to do some of the tutorials or shared surgeries, but the supervisor will oversee the placement from an educational point of view.

The aim is for doctors on the scheme to be ready for their NHS appraisal by the time they complete their placement (or sometimes sooner). They should be encouraged to sign up to the Fourteen Fish appraisal toolkit and to begin gathering evidence to support their appraisal. In particular, a GMC approved MSF and PSQ are mandatory for doctors who are doing a placement for 3 months or longer.

When the doctor has signed up for Fourteen Fish, they can share their portfolio with you. You will be able to add educator notes and create your reports via the website.


What are the practical considerations?

Answer: The doctor will receive an educational bursary from the NHS England. They are not employed by you. They claim a bursary depending on the number of sessions they work, with full time being 7 clinical sessions plus a self-directed learning session and a tutorial (37.5 hours a week).

There is no payment available for annual, study or sick leave. However, unpaid leave can be negotiated with the practice and usually doctors will have 3 weeks’ annual leave per 6-month post, pro rata and are not expected to make up time in lieu of bank holidays.

I&R doctors are responsible for their own medical defence arrangements.

Please note that there is a separate finance process for the doctors on the International Induction Programme (IIP) who require a Health and Care Worker Visa. Those doctors need to be employed by the practice (placement host). The NHS England will reimburse the employing practice for the salary costs. If you are hosting a placement for an IIP doctor, you will be provided with additional guidance.


Are there any other requirements?

Answer: In London, there is a monthly learning set for all doctors on the I&R scheme. A variety of subjects are covered, both clinical and non-clinical. Attendance is strongly encouraged though not compulsory. There is no payment for attending these learning sets, the doctor simply claims for one less session for the weeks concerned. Practices are expected to release doctors so that they can attend.


How does allocation take place?

Answer: Doctors on the scheme are asked about their geographical preference. Training practices in the locality are then emailed to see whether they have capacity to host the doctor in question.

The doctor will usually arrange to visit practices which have capacity and the placement goes ahead if it is mutually agreed.

The practice then submits a proposed timetable and we apply for approval from the patch AD.


What are the benefits to the practice?

Answer: I&R doctors are often very experienced and bring with them expertise and a new perspective. The relationship can be extremely rewarding and it is not unusual for I&R doctors to stay at the practice as a salaried doctor or partner after the placement finishes.

A Placement Fee [at the rate of the Trainer’s Grant] is paid to the practice hosting our clinical placement. This Fee is not reduced pro-rata if the placement is part-time and it is claimable regardless of whether the trainer already has an ST1-3 in post. For more information regarding the current rate of the trainer’s grant please click here


London GP International Induction & Return to Practice Programmes

Professional Development Team

October 2022