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About the School

Who's Who

Rotations & Matching

Processes - ARCP, LTFT, OOP etc



Recruitment, SPIN, GRID and Curriculum

The London School of Paediatrics does not recruit either for Paediatric or sub-speciality training. This process is run by the RCPCH (https://www.rcpch.ac.uk/education-careers/apply-paediatrics) and run in a national process.

Candidates can currently enter at ST1 and ST3, although there are plans to develop an ST5 entry point.

The RCPCH also hosts the selection process for sub-speciality training, also known as GRID. (https://www.rcpch.ac.uk/education-careers/apply-paediatrics/sub-specialt...). This page also links to the application process and its associated dates. Prospective candidates can apply in October/November for the following September start. As part of the application process, the School must confirm that the candidate is on track to have finished Core training by the start of the GRID post. This cannot be done if the candidate will not have completed 12 months whole time equivalent training on the middle grade rota at that stage.

Special Interest (SPIN) modules can be started in Higher training and do not have to be completed before CCT. If you are thinking of undertaking one of these to augment your portfolio, please read these pages on the RCPCH website. (https://www.rcpch.ac.uk/education-careers/training-assessment/SPIN-modules) and apply to the college.

Once your application has been accepted, please liaise with your placement TPD (https://londonpaediatrics.co.uk/trainees-home/) to arrange suitable experience to complement your learning in SPIN.    



About the School

Who's Who

Rotations & Matching

Processes - ARCP, LTFT, OOP etc