SuppoRTT during COVID-19 response

The COVID-19 health threat means that the NHS needs as many qualified staff as possible to come back to help care for patients. As part of this, many trainees currently taking time out of programme are encouraged to return and support the clinical frontline.

The Supported Return to Training programme (SuppoRTT) will continue to support all trainees to safely and confidently return to training during this period. We understand that you may be coming back at short notice due to COVID-19 and so we are operating a more streamlined process.

Our experience is that most trainees successfully return to training within two or three weeks with modest support. We expect that during COVID-19 this will be similar, and trainees will return equally – if not more - quickly.


Planning your return

Trainees will need to be pro-active in planning their return given this unprecedented demand on clinical services when everyone is under additional pressure.

Please use the Return to Training Form to document your return plan.

During the COVID-19 response, the return plan can be agreed by email or phone with your supervisor, TPD, SuppoRTT champion, or another appropriate consultant. You do not need to arrange a face-to-face meeting.

Please submit this form even if you do not require resources. This form provides us with invaluable information on ongoing support and resources needed during COVID-19 and helps us to continue to improve the programme and meet the needs of our trainees.


We strongly recommend all returners:

1.  Identify courses, resources and additional clinical supervision needed:

Many trusts in London & KSS are putting training in place to support the high numbers returning during the COVID-19 response. Additional updates, courses and resources to support your return include:

2. Coaching and other support to maintain wellbeing and resilience:

Professional Support Unit resources are currently being adapted and developed to meet the needs of the COVID-19 response. The team is developing a wellbeing hub for returners and other healthcare staff, which will include 1:1 remote access to their usual services, wellbeing resources and podcasts relevant to the pandemic response (this work is at an early stage, so keep checking in here)

3. If you need further advice or have any concerns about your return, Trust or School SuppoRTT champions, HR or others who are co-ordinating trainee placements in your trust or training programme can signpost you.


We would like to hear your thoughts on your return to training during COVID-19. 

Your feedback provides invaluable information which will allow us to support trainees who are returning during COVID-19 and continually develop the resources available to them.

Results are aggregated and will not be attributed to individuals.

It should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete.