PSU Coaching Service
KSS GP trainees: Please note from 1st February 2025 all GP trainees in Kent, Surrey, and Sussex (KSS) will be supported by KSS Professional Support and Wellbeing Service. If you are a GP trainee based in KSS please go to: KSS Professional Support and Wellbeing Service
KSS Foundation trainees: All KSS Foundation trainees will be supported by KSS Professional Support and Wellbeing Service. Please head to KSS Professional Support and Wellbeing Service for more information.
The PSU's team of experienced and qualified coaches provide 1:1 coaching for trainees and learners. We are dedicated to supporting individuals who are in challenging situations which could prevent them from getting the most from their careers.
Please note the coaching offered via our team of PSU coaches is different from the neurodivergence-focused coaching which you may also be able to access. Please see the separate web page on neurodiversity for further information about that.
What is Coaching?
Coaching can be a highly-effective way of developing awareness and insight to how we think and behave in the workplace. As a first step, this awareness shift can have a profound impact on a range of issues in our personal and professional lives. Individuals often find that coaching leads to greater satisfaction and fulfilment, heightened levels of engagement and performance, enhanced self-confidence and assertiveness, and a greater sense of wellbeing. Meeting 1:1 with a coach over a number of sessions can be a valuable way of identifying workable strategies for overcoming blocks to success, dealing with challenges and changes in the workplace, and finding and maintaining balance.
You can access 1:1 coaching sessions by completing the brief PSU Coaching Service application
[Please note: Due to the current high volume of Coaching applications we will endeavour to respond to emails and applications within 14 days. Thank you for your understanding].
1-2-1 Coaching Cancellation criteria
# Clients are allocated to suitable coach for up to 4 x Free 1-2-1 virtual appointments on dates/times that are mutually convenient to client and coach.
# Clients can cancel/re-arrange their appointments with their coach up to 24 hours before their appointment by email. However, if changes are made less than 24 hours before their appointment they may lose one of their allocated coaching appointments. In all circumstances clients should submit by email to their coach the reason for their late cancellation.
How does Coaching work?
A central feature of coaching is that the individual is able to take charge of their own decisions and development to realise their full potential - it is therefore not about about advice giving. The coach is there to facilitate this process through structured questioning, often gently challenging unhelpful or limiting assumptions, beliefs and perspectives. The aim is always to support the individual to not only find their own solutions, but to have the confidence and motivation to move forward in their preferred direction. The coaching room - or virtual room - is a safe and confidential space and one you are unlikely to be disturbed to aid your reflection and focus. Individuals can be open and honest both with themselves and with their coach, knowing that the coaching relationship is grounded in respect and unconditional positive regard.
Is the PSU Coaching Service right for you?
The remit and features of the PSU's Coaching Service are listed below:
- We offer up to 4 individual sessions with a qualified and experienced coach specialising in coaching healthcare professionals.
- You will be allocated to a suitable coach who will work with you on the issues identified in your application. Should you have any concerns or issues with this allocation please contact:
- The PSU Coaching Service is specifically designed to help the individual explore how they can address the challenges and complexities of their lives in relation to their work-based training.
- The PSU Coaching Service is available to healthcare professionals on a formal, workplace based training programmes such as postgraduate medical or dental trainees; pre-registration Pharmacists; Healthcare Scientists on STP or HSST programmes; Capital Nurse trainees or other healthcare professionals on preceptorship of post graduate training programmes.
- We work in conjunction with the other services within the PSU to ensure a holistic approach to the individual’s professional support and development.
If you have any questions about the PSU Coaching Service please contact us at: