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UKPHR Specialist Registration by Portfolio Assessment (SRbPA): An Alternative Pathway to Public Health Specialist Recognition


The UK Public Health Register (UKPHR) offers an alternative pathway to specialist registration, the Specialist Registration by Portfolio Assessment (SRbPA), for individuals who have not followed the traditional route to specialist registration or are not registered with the GMC/GDC Public Health Specialty registers.

The SRbPA route is not a developmental path but an equivalent route for those with significant experience, and it becomes particularly relevant for addressing workforce shortages and strengthening the workforce pipeline

Eligibility and Requirements

This registration route is designed for experienced public health professionals who are already working at the level of a Public Health consultant and can demonstrate proficiency in all of UKPHR's Knowledge and Show How competencies, outlined in the 'Essential Documents' section. To fully understand the process and requirements, it is highly recommended to review the FAQs provided by UKPHR.

Application Process

UKPHR’s Specialist registration by portfolio assessment (SRbPA) route is a retrospective assessment of knowledge, skills and experience.

  1. The pre-application process which assesses whether you are working at the right level for this route and will be able to provide evidence across the full range of UKPHR competencies.
  2. Submission of your portfolio for assessment if UKPHR is satisfied that you are working at the right level

UK Public Health Register – 2. Specialist Registration by Portfolio Assessment (ukphr.org)

London – Enhanced Regional Support Programme

An enhanced regional support programme for Specialist Registration by Portfolio Assessment (SRbPA) has been developed and shaped by the London Workforce Collaborative. This collaborative, led by the regional offices of the Office of Health Improvement and Disparities (OHID) and NHS England (NHSE), is dedicated to overseeing and driving a strategic program for multi-disciplinary public health workforce development in the region.

Aspirant specialists are encouraged to:

Introduction to SRbPA (07:46)

The pre-application process (11:47)

The reference (12:23)


  Aspiring specialists will receive:

  • Personalised support from a former UKPHR moderator who will guide them through the portfolio development process, including matrix development, commentary writing, and interim review sessions.
  • Dedicated pre-application development time to focus on preparing their portfolios effectively.
  • A variety of continuous, professional development (CPD) opportunities, including masterclasses, to enhance their knowledge and skills.
  • Personalised CPD sessions to address any identified knowledge gaps, some of which will be provided post-pre-application and incorporated into a comprehensive personal development plan.
  • The opportunity to join a network of other applicants on the Specialist Portfolio by Assessment route in London, where you can share experiences, exchange ideas, and provide mutual support.

For additional details or to register interest, please contact england.publichealthlondon@nhs.net


For those considering SRbPA, joining Clare Mills’ National Peer Support Network is highly recommended. The network meets monthly online, providing valuable opportunities for collaboration and support - Email Clare.Mills@leicester.gov.uk