Workplace Supervision in Primary Care


  • Provided by Multiprofessional Faculty Development, HEE
  • Free to attend
  • Time commitment: - Three days. Due to COVID-19, it is anticipated that this course will take place virtually utilising online platforms in addition to private study
  • Audience: Multi-professional. Designed for all healthcare professionals who wish to undertake a supervisory role of any learner in the general practice setting.



This three-day multi-professional course is aimed at clinicians who are new to supervising any learner in the general practice / primary care setting. The emphasis will be on the knowledge and skills required to provide ad-hoc workplace supervision and/or formal clinical supervision. The importance of the multi-professional team and inter-professional learning and working will also be explored.

Indicative course content will include:

  • Educational ideas that inform active learning
  • Teaching methods 
  • Feedback skills
  • Workplace and professional curricula 
  • Exploring professional identity
  • Assessment principles
  • Challenges in learning, teaching and assessment

Who can attend?

This course is multi-professional and is available to all supervisors / practice educators from across the professions in the general practice / primary care setting.

For GP educators who are required to complete training for GP educator approval processes, this course will be accepted as meeting the requirements for a clinical supervisor course. 

Participants should be able to demonstrate: 

  • A substantive clinical role in the general practice / primary care setting
  • Availability for all three course days (of the same cohort).

To receive further information about the course and how to book a place contact