“What is obvious is not always known, and what is known is not always present” 

(Johnson 1755)


You may be familiar with the Johari Window (Luft and Ingham 1955). This is a tool for looking at interactions and relationships between people. It is a way of illustrating what we choose to keep to ourselves and what we choose to share. It also shows what others may or may not know about us.



  1. Write a couple of things that are personal to you in the Open and in the Hidden areas. Are you comfortable with the fact that they are in those particular windows? If not, what might you do to change this?
  2. Think of a couple of things about a work colleague that you can put into the Johari window. Into which areas do they fit?
  3. What difference would it make to you and/or to patient care if the colleague had insight into what you have put into their Blind Spot window? How might you address this if appropriate to do so?
  4. How could you obtain information about yourself to put into the Blind and Unknown area?
  5. Using the Johari window tool, which area or areas do you think are related to insight?