Specialist Clinical Communication & Linguistic Services
KSS GP trainees: Please note from 1st February 2025 all GP trainees in Kent, Surrey, and Sussex (KSS) will be supported by KSS Professional Support and Wellbeing Service. If you are a GP trainee based in KSS please go to: KSS Professional Support and Wellbeing Service
KSS Foundation trainees: All KSS Foundation trainees will be supported by KSS Professional Support and Wellbeing Service. Please head to KSS Professional Support and Wellbeing Service for more information.
Specialist Clinical Communication & Linguistic Services offers courses and individual sessions for all healthcare professionals working in multi-cultural London and KSS.
Communicating effectively and confidently with patients and colleagues is key to providing an excellent health service and leads to increased professional fulfilment. Patients respond to and are satisfied by healthcare professionals and teams who communicate well.
Our courses offer you the opportunity to:
Review communication challenges you face at work
Address your individual learning needs
Enhance your relationships with patients, families, carers and colleagues
Boost your confidence and career satisfaction
Our programmes offer an intensive learning experience in peer groups or individual settings and include:
Review of your personal learning needs
Practical exercises with reflection and individual feedback
An emphasis on skills you can use in your work
Opportunities to enhance cultural and self-awareness
Support in developing your English language for clinical practice
- Exam preparation and revision workshops for AKT, CSA and CASC
We offer a choice of educational programmes which focus on the daily challenges you face in communicating with patients, carers and colleagues. These courses are free to attend.
Who can access support?
Healthcare professionals within London and Kent, Surrey & Sussex, specifically:
- Postgraduate Doctors & Dentists who hold a London or KSS training number (Foundation years until CCT). The PSU allows for a 3-month grace period for trainees who have CCT'd or have recently given up their training number. NOTE: KSS Foundation trainees should access support services via the KSS’s own Professional Support & Wellbeing Service. Please head to https://kss.hee.nhs.uk/kss-foundation/current-doctors-in-training/careers-and-wellbeing-support/ for more information
- Nurses and Allied Health Professionals between Bands 5 - 8 in a recognised training scheme (eg nurse preceptorship or development for more specialised clinical roles)
- Pharmacists in training:
- Pre-registration Pharmacists (1yr post degree programme in Trusts ) & Pharmacy technicians (2 year programme employed by Trusts)
- Foundation Pharmacists (2 years post registration)
- Clinical Pharmacists undertaking the 18 month General practice pharmacist training pathway as part of the NHS England pilot
- Healthcare Scientist trainees on STP or HSST programmes
- Doctors who have passed the entry requirements & have been offered a placement on the GP Return to Practice (RtP) or the GP International Induction Programme (IIP) workforce schemes
- Doctors on the Clinical Apprenticeship Scheme (CAPS) and/or the Medical Support Worker (MSW) educational programme
How to contact us
To book a 1-1 session with a communication specialist please complete the following application form. Please address all queries to: CommSkills.PSULondon@nhs.net.
[Please note: Due to the current high volume of SCCLS applications we will endeavour to respond to emails and applications within 14 days. Thank you for your understanding].
The Language of Connection