MODULE TITLE: An introduction to the general principles of documentation and record keeping in health care: a multi-professional perspective
MODULE OBJECTIVE: Learners to gain insight into the role of the multi-professional workforce in record keeping and documentation
“Verba volant, scripta manent” / "spoken words fly away, written words remain"
Latin proverb - Caius Titus of the Roman Senate
Click the following links to be taken to the corresponding section of the module:
- Our Duty and the Data Protection Act 1998
- What does this mean for us as healthcare professionals?
- No Standard Model and How Should Record Keeping and Documentation be Captured?
- Reasons for Legitimate Documentation and Record Keeping
- What Constitutes a Clinical Record or Document in Health Care?
- The Consequences of Recording/Documenting Patient Information Incorrectly
- Useful Documents + References
Author: Sarah Osborne
Date published: February 2021