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Other Public Health Collaborations / Projects                                

Supporting the Wider Workforce

Supporting the Wider Workforce

Population Health Fellowships

Population Health is an approach aimed at improving the health of an entire population. It is about improving the physical and mental health outcomes and wellbeing of people, while reducing health inequalities within and across a defined population. It includes action to reduce the occurrence of ill-health, including addressing wider determinants of health, and requires working with communities and partner agencies. (Source: PHE Multi-agency Stakeholder Forum 2019)

The national population health fellowship recruits fellows from a wide range of backgrounds including nursing, pharmacy, medicine, speech and language therapy, dietetics, orthotics and physiotherapy. They are seconded part-time (for two days per week) to the fellowship, alongside their permanent post, and experience a mixture of blended and experiential learning. The aim is to encourage and support the development of population health strategies and approaches within the NHS and wider community.

The next intake of fellows will be September 2025, with the supporting learning programme delivered by Salford University as a PG Cert. 

Please use this information pack if you are interested in hosting a fellow. The closing date for Expressions of Interest is the 28th March 2025. 

If you are interested in applyimg to be a fellow in London (you must work in London, please use this form. 

For any queries please contact lara.hogan3@nhs.net


Supporting GP trainees

Integrated Training Posts

The London School of Public Health and London GP school are working together in a  commitment to increasing the amount of time spent in Public Health placements for each trainee on the 3 year GP Speciality training programme.

With the practice-based component of GP training programme increasing from 18 to 24 months, the GP school are keen to increase the opportunities available to trainees.

We are very pleased to be able to offer a unique Integrated Training Post in Public Health.

Our Public Health placements offer an opportunity for GP trainees to gain experience working in a non-clinical environment, building on clinical knowledge, and actively engaging in addressing clinical, organisational, and societal challenges at a population level.  Integrated post (ITP) consists of 3 days at a general practice, and 2 days in a public health organisation, for a 6-month duration.

How to host a GP trainee?

We are always looking for organisations within London to host a GP traira.hogan3@nhs.netnee.

In order for your organisation to host a GP trainee, a Public Health Educational Supervisor (ES)is required. The ES does not need to be medically trained, they just need to be a public health ES (active or not active currently), to ensure the GP trainee gets a full learning experience while on their Public Health placement. We also ask the ES to complete a job description for their organisation using a template which we have created. You can request this from lara.hogan3@nhs.net


For further information or if you would be interested in hosting a GP trainee in your organisation, please contact lara.hogan3@nhs.uk to be connected with the relevant GP Programme Director in your area, who will take this forward with you.

If you are a GP Programme Director, you can also contact Lara, as above.

Induction pack

An induction pack has been co-created by the School of Public Health using feedback from GP trainees about the benefit of their learning and experience in a Public Health placement. It will help to prepare trainees and will offer useful information for those transitioning into a public health rotation. This digital toolkit is also really useful for anyone who is new to public and population health. 

GP Network

We have launched a network for GP trainees who are currently doing or have completed a Public Health rotation. This network is to provide a space for members to come together, share experiences as well as providing a forum to learn from each other. Furthermore, we hope it will aid professional development as well as just connecting with other members who have been through a similar journey.

We are always looking for Public Health trainees or consultants to present at our network meetings.

If this is something, you would be interested in please contact lara.hogan3@nhs.uk

Supporting Paediatric Registrars

The School of Public Health published a digital toolkit to develop public health skills and knowledge for paediatric speciality registrars. The Toolkit aims to support both core and specialty trainees during their postgraduate years. It offers advice, highlights illustrative case studies and examples of good practice to assist trainees to progress through the training programme. The Toolkit also aims to support educators (educational supervisors and training programme directors). It provides guidance in relation to trainee and supervisor interactions and provides illustrative examples of good practice.

You can find the toolkit here.

Please contact england.publichealthlondon@nhs.net for further information.

Population Health Fellows