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Differential Attainment Good Practice
Example of Good Practice from North Middlesex
What would you do if your trainees were removed?
How do you enable your trainees to voice their concerns and difficulties?
Some of the measures implemented at the North Middlesex included:
- Active recruitment of educational supervisors, with mandatory appraisal and monthly educational meetings, focussing on how to support the international medical graduates who had been recruited.
- The new recruits received on-line feedback from the wider team every 3 months. They also had the opportunity to feedback about their supervisors, also on-line.
- All the new trainees had a long induction period, some needing 3 months before they were required to be on call. They were assessed using simulation before they were allowed to work independently.
- All doctors had regular meetings with their ESs, usually once a week to start with.
- Trainees were given support in terms of career development and with exam preparation for their postgraduate exams.
- There was a system to document ES meetings, similar to the horus eportfolio.
- There was weekly teaching for exams, as well as mock OSCE exams and mock written papers.
- The GMC programme was developed in collaboration with the education lead. It consisted of 5 sessions once a month, each lasting half a day. Topics included the role of the GMC, good medical practice, professionalism, consent, confidentiality, duty of candour and social media. Teaching was based around case studies, interactive exercises and discussions around participants’ own experiences. It runs annually.
Would any of these measures be helpful in your context? Are there any other examples of good practice you have come across which could be implemented?
Case Study from North Middlesex
Case Study from Epsom and St Helier
Capturing Good Practice Podcasts
The following videos feature interviews with GP Educational Supervisors who have supervised GPs from abroad as well as UK returners, as part of the Induction and Refresher (I&R) Scheme. However, the educational strategies discussed here could be applied to any trainee. Participants:
Dr Rofique Ali. Bethnal Green Health Centre
Dr Cyril Evbuomwan, Church End Medical Centre
Dr Ogechukwu Ilozue, Brunswick Park Medical Centre
Dr Salma Ahmed, Jubilee Street Practice