type,'home') !== false) { $hometype = true; } ?>






Professional Support Unit: https://london.hee.nhs.uk/professional-development

Other related e-learning modules can be found at:

Differential Attainment Toolkit: https://london.hee.nhs.uk/multiprofessional-faculty-development/differential-attainment/differential-attainment-toolkit

Managing and Supporting Trainees in Difficult Situations Workshop: This provides the opportunity for educators to discuss cases of concern where there may be a particularly challenging aspect to the remediation process. The workshop can be booked by emailing: ist.lase@hee.nhs.uk



Barrows E and Neely A, 2011, Managing Performance in Turbulent Times: Analysis and Insight, Wiley, Hoboken, NJ USA, p.147

Biello D, 2006, http://www.scientificamerican.com/article/fact-or-fiction-archimede/  Brown N, McAvoy P and Joffe M, 2014, The Clinical Teacher, 11: 170-173

Burns R,1786, To a Louse https://www.scottishpoetrylibrary.org.uk/poem/louse-seeing-one-ladys-bonnet-church/

Cartwright T, 2007, Developing your Intuition: A Guide to Reflective Practice, Center for Creative Leadership, Greensboro, NC, USA, p.15

Cox S and Holden J, 2009, Isolation and insight: practical pillars of revalidation? British Journal of General Practice, 59, 550-551

GMC & MPTS sanctions guidance, 2017, https://www.mpts-uk.org/-/media/mpts-documents/dc4198-sanctions-guidance-may-2017_pdf-73502816.pdf

Goleman D, 1996, Emotional Intelligence, Bloomsbury, London

Hays R, Jolly B, Caldon L, McCrorie P, McAvoy P, McManus I and Rethans J, 2002, Is insight important? Measuring capacity to change performance, Medical Education, 36, 965-971

Hofstede G, Hofstede G and Minkov M, 2010, Cultures and organizations: software of the mind: intercultural cooperation and its importance for survival, McGraw Hill, pp.106

Holden J, Cox S and Hargreaves S, 2012, Avoiding isolation and gaining insight, BMJ Careershttp://careers.bmj.com/careers/advice/view-article.html?id=20006663

Johnson S, 1755, Preface to the English Dictionary, paras. 51-94

Luft J and Ingham H, 1955, The Johari Window, a Graphic Model of Interpersonal Awareness, Proceedings of the western training laboratory in group development, Los Angeles: UCLA

MPTS 2017: https://www.mpts-uk.org/-/media/mpts-documents/dc4198-sanctions-guidance-may-2017_pdf-73502816.pdf

NMC (2017) https://www.nmc.org.uk/ftp-library/understanding-fitness-to-practise/remediation-and-insight/is-it-highly-unlikely-that-the-conduct-will-be-repeated/

Rosten L, 1959, The Return of Hyman Kaplan, Gollancz pp.15-16

Schafer R, 2004, Insight and Interpretation: The Essential Tools of Psychoanalysis, Karnac Books, London, GBR, p. 3-6 Introduction to part I



Thanks for their input to: Nick Brown, Jocelyn Hewitt, John Launer