Insight is important in continuing our development throughout our career. We can help others to develop insight through creating a workplace environment and approach that promotes reflection and learning, acknowledging some of the personal and power factors that influence this. We can also model an attitude of openness to learning, maintaining and developing further insight into ourselves.
Suggestions for further personal development
1. Make a short video recording of yourself at work with a patient and/or with a colleague.
As the previous exercise has shown, taking an external observer position can provide a more objective view of your interactions.
You will need to check your trust’s or organisation’s policy on this and obtain consent from the people involved.
You may find it helpful to watch the video a few times.
It can be useful to ask a trusted colleague to watch it with you once you feel confident.
- What new things do you notice about yourself?
- What feedback can your colleague give you?
- What do you think you might now do differently?
2. Obtain multi-source feedback from colleagues (juniors, peers and seniors) and from patients.
There are a number of tools available for trainees.
Supervisors may wish to use this one: https://london.hee.nhs.uk/multiprofessional-faculty-development/fd-multisource-feedback-tool
Reflect on your own responses to receiving feedback.
What insights did you have from this?
To what extent will the feedback influence any changes that you make in your way of working?
3. Try checking your own emotional intelligence quotient (EQ).
4. To develop your skills you can read more about coaching and apply for this by following the link: https://london.hee.nhs.uk/professional-development/coaching-service
5. You may also like to attend one of the Professional Support Unit courses or workshops: https://london.hee.nhs.uk/professional-development/courses-and-conferences