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Being appropriately assertive is an aspect of resilience. An assertive response is one that respects and values both your needs and those of others.

(adapted from David Winter)


It is not always easy to judge how to respond assertively. A good starting point, however, is to reflect on your legitimate rights (e.g. ‘I have the right to let others know how I am feeling’ or ‘I have the right to leave work on time’.)

It can be useful to practise ways to express yourself so that you have some forms of words available when you need them. You could do this by speaking the words out loud and asking a trusted colleague or mentor for feedback on how you come across.

After completing this module, you may also wish to look at our standalone e-learning module on Assertiveness: CLICK HERE

The London Professional Support Unit offers a range workshops including:

  • Assertiveness in clinical practice
  • Work and wellbeing: finding your balance
  • Stress and examinations

Information about these workshops and details of how to book can be accessed via: https://london.hee.nhs.uk/professional-development/courses-and-conferences