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Regional Training Days are organised by Health Education England and the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine. There will be 10 half day (2pm - 5pm) sessions per annum, being held once a month excluding August and January.

Each hospital that receives trainees from the Intensive Care Medicine training programme will be expected to organise a half day programme for the trainees, which at present are being held via MS Teams. The Health Education England team will assist in organising publication of the agenda and will also help with the smooth transition between talks and speakers.

The training days will be delivered as a two year rolling system covering the entire Intensive Care Medicine curriculum.

For all Regional Training Day and event information please access the Events Calendar section of the website by clicking here. Once on the calendar use the search functions on the calendar to find the RTD programme or event required.

Please contact Dr De la Cerda (ICM Regional Advisor for NE Thames gonzalo.de-la-cerda@nhs.net) or the Health Education Team via the PGMDE Support Portal for any queries about the RTD programme.

                                                                            London ICM Regional Training Days Timetable

Regional Training Day Name


Registration Link

Website Link