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Differential Attainment Courses

We are offering a series of stand-alone workshops in 2022/2023 allowing you to select themes which address your current needs. 

This Differential Attainment workshops are based on the developmental needs Educators have expressed to the Professional Support Unit, around issues thought to be important in Differential Attainment (DA). Please follow the link here to book a place on the DA workshops. The topics covered are:


Understanding Differential Attainment


• To understand the definition of differential attainment

• To understand the causes of differential attainment seen between BAME and white medics with reference to the evidence available, including the influence of unconscious bias

• To understand what is meant by inclusion

• To consider how evidence-based approaches to inclusion might be incorporated into delegates’ own settings

• To become aware of linguistic and other support offered by the PSU

Facilitating challenging conversations

• To develop skills in managing challenging conversations with groups

• To develop strategies for managing challenging conversations

• To enhance the skills and understanding of Educational / Clinical Supervisors when managing challenging conversations.

Revision and Exam preparation

• To discuss how post-graduate clinical exams might be viewed as different from the Trainees' previous experience of exams 

• To discuss the challenges trainees, have with revision and exams

• To explore strategies to help trainees feel more confident about exams and support them to succeed

Careers Coaching approaches

• To understand the value of enhanced career coaching approaches in 1:1 conversation with trainees from diverse cultural backgrounds
• To participate in a tailored skills-building session leading to greater confidence and ability when having coaching-style conversations around trainees’ careers
• To gain the knowledge, confidence, and motivation to cascade this to colleagues

Developing skills for the Supervision of Clinicians from diverse cultural linguistic backgrounds

• To enable supervisors to offer more effective support to learners from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds through the development of cultural competence and language awareness
• To understand the influence of culture on educational and professional relationships and how this may impact on attainment
• To be better able at recognising when language and cultural ‘transfer’ may cause behaviour or messages to be misunderstood
• To adapt language and supervision style according to the individual learner

Identity and Inclusion 

The workshop covers the following themes: 

  • Common types of bias -why our judgements are not as objective as we may think they are 
  • How to mitigate against the effects of bias 
  • Causes of differential attainment 
  • Identity and stereotype threat 
  • Inclusion 

Details of upcoming workshops can be found here.  For further information, please email facultydevelopment.lase@hee.nhs.uk.