Whether you are considering a career in our exciting and rewarding speciality, planning to apply for ICM training in London, or are an existing London ICM Trainee/Trainer we hope you will find the information on our webpage helpful.
In addition to core information about training in LSICM you will be guided towards generic training related resources and guidelines to support you. The ICM Operations Team can help you with any unanswered queries you may have so please submit your questions through the PGMDE Support Portal.
For up to date news related to the school please don’t forget to take a look at our Bulletin (which is also regularly circulated to London ICM Trainees, Faculty Tutors and Regional Advisors by email).
London School of Intensive Care Medicine (LSICM) is responsible for the quality and commissioning of training in Intensive Care Medicine and related sub specialities within the London Region
Head of School | Dr Charlotte Anderson | Consultant Intensivist, King's College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust |
Stage 1 TPD | Dr Louise Ma | Intensive Care and Acute Medicine Consultant, Whittington Hospital NHS Trust |
Stage 2 TPD & Operational Lead | Dr Russell Hewson | Consultant in Intensive Care & Anaesthesia, Bart’s Health NHS Trust (Royal London Hospital) |
Stage 3 TPD | Dr Viplaw Shukla | Consultant Intensivist, Epsom & St Helier Hospital NHS Trust |
Academic TPD | Dr Nishkantha Arulkumaran | Honorary Associate Professor at UCL Department of Medicine and Consultant in Intensive Care Medicine at UCL Hospital |
Simulation Training Lead | Dr David Melia | Consultant in Intensive Care Medicine & Anaesthesia, Bart's Health NHS Trust (Whipp’s Cross University Hospital) |
RTD Lead | Dr Gonzalo De La Cerda | Consultant Intensivist, Barking, Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals NHS Trust |
London Intensive Care Medicine Trainee Representatives
The London School of Intensive Care Medicine (LSICM) has four trainee representative roles. Ideally the individuals covering these roles at any one-time would-be trainees from both single and dual specialties and preferably one Less Than Full Time trainee, as well as an academic trainee representative. Further details can be found on the Trainee Representative Job Description.
The current LSICM trainee representatives are:
I did my undergraduate training in South Africa, and moved to the UK post my Foundation Years. I started off doing Core Medicine, and then applied for the FICM programme. My intention is to dual train with Anaesthesia, and I’m in the process of applying for an Anaesthetics training number, to join in my ITU number. I work LTFT at 70% to try balance childcare and life. I have a particular interest in well-being (at work and in general) and enjoy travelling, meditation and yoga, running, scuba diving and cooking.
I am a dual ICM/acute medicine trainee. I am well versed in most of the London Hospitals having grown up in London, studied at Barts and then spent my training rotating through the various London deaneries. I am currently working full time although as a mother of a toddler, I find I have little time for hobbies although I enjoy running, digital art and travelling. My hope is by being a trainee representative for ICM I can be a source of support for full-time/LTFT parents and also for dual medicine trainees, who may sometimes find the transition to ICM overwhelming.
Emma Jenkins - Newly appointed Trainee Representative. Acute Medicine and Intensive Care Medicine Trainee.
I am a dual ICM and Acute Medicine trainee in NCEL. I have a particular interest in governance and education and have been involved in simulation development and delivery since foundation training. I’ve been FT through to ST7 but am due to go LTFT from early 2025 just to have a little more balance and some time to do those hobbies we all keep talking about. Recognising that ICM has more of a bespoke training pathway, attracting doctors from a variety of backgrounds, hopefully I can help provide some support and clarity for trainees navigating this pathway and portfolio.
Tim Snow (Academic Trainee Representative)
I am an academic trainee in ICM & Anaesthesia who has worked in London, Essex & New Zealand. Having completed an Academic Clinical Fellowship at St George’s, I am currently completing a lab-based sepsis immunology PhD at University College London.
Navigating the academic world as a trainee can be complex and daunting, but ultimately rewarding. I’m more than happy to provide advice, help and support to anyone undertaking, or taking their first steps towards, an academic career.
The Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine
The LSICM Leadership Team work closely with the Faculty for Intensive Care Medicine Regional Advisors and Faculty Tutors
The Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine is the professional and statutory body for Intensive Care Medicine, the doctors who lead critical care and Advanced Critical Care Practitioners. The faculty works to promote education and standards, influence and define national policy and improve outcomes for patients and their families.
FICM has appointed 5 ICM Regional Advisor’s (RA’s) in the London Region with whom LSICM closely works:
Southeast London | Dr Shahana Uddin | King’s College Hospital |
Southwest London | Dr Vanessa Elliott | St George’s Hospital |
Northeast London | Dr David Melia | Whipp’s Cross University Hospital |
Northcentral London | Dr Alice Carter | University College Hospital |
Northwest London | Dr Behrad Baharlo | Hammersmith Hospital |
The RA is the local point of contact for those trainees interested in training in ICM and has regional responsibility for the promotion of ICM and the provision of advice to trainees. Regional Advisors | The Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine (ficm.ac.uk)
The RA’s are supported at a local level by Faculty Tutors (FT’s); consultants appointed to supervise the training of doctors undertaking training programmes in ICM. Each Intensive Care Unit in London has a Faculty Tutor: Faculty Tutors | The Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine (ficm.ac.uk)
For FT contact details please contact your RA or the Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine contact@ficm.ac.uk.
The Pan-London Intensive Care Medicine programme provides high quality training in teaching centres throughout the Capital which equips trainees with the skills and experience needed to meet the challenges and demands of the NHS today and tomorrow. The diverse nature of London's population offers unparalleled clinical exposure. ICM trainees undertake training placements in world renowned centres of excellence across the capital including district general hospitals, teaching hospitals, research units and specialist tertiary referral hospitals.
The London programme has more than 200 trainees who enter higher specialist ICM training from core training programmes and equivalence pathways.
Both single and dual (anaesthesia, emergency medicine, renal, respiratory and acute medicine) specialty training are well represented and each trainee undertakes a bespoke and individually tailored programme designed to meet their training needs and personal career ambitions.
London ICM training sites include:
Barnet Hospital
Charing Cross Hospital
Chelsea and Westminster Hospital
Great Ormond Street Hospital
Guy's & St Thomas' Hospital
Hammersmith Hospital
Homerton University Hospital
King's College Hospital
Kingston Hospital
National Hospital for Neurology & Neurosurgery, Queen Square
Newham Hospital
Northwick Park Hospital
Queen's Hospital, Romford
St Bartholomew's Hospital
St George's Hospital
St Helier Hospital
St Mary's Hospital
The Royal Brompton Hospital
The Royal Free Hospital
The Royal London Hospital
The Royal Marsden Hospital
University College London Hospital
University Hospital Lewisham
Whipp's Cross Hospital
For more information on specific Intensive Care Units please refer to the Regional Post Information & Unit Briefs
Annual recruitment to Intensive Care Medicine training in London is via the National Recruitment process run by NHS England West Midlands (for August commencement at ST3+). Up to date information regarding the eligibility criteria, application and selection processes can be found on the Intensive Care Medicine National Recruitment Office (ICMNRO) website.
Trainees intending to dual train must be appointed by each specialty programme within the London region in a stepped approach. Doctors will accept a National Training Number (NTN) on one CCT programme at one recruitment episode (e.g. ICM in August 2025) before applying for another CCT programme at a second recruitment episode (e.g. Anaesthetics in August 2025). If you already hold a training number in ICM or a partner specialty and plan to apply for dual training please ensure you discuss this with your TPD in advance of making your application. Currently the GMC has approved 5 specialities for dual training with ICM:
- Acute Medicine
- Anaesthetics
- Emergency Medicine
- Renal Medicine
- Respiratory Medicine
The Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine has an excellent careers hub which provides comprehensive information on careers in Intensive Medicine, single and dual training in ICM and links to useful online resources to support you in career planning and applications to ICM training.
The new ICM Curriculum: Supporting Excellence was implemented on 4 August 2021.
Information regarding the 2021 and previous ICM curricula (including transition guidance, key dates & documents) can be found on the FICM Website.
Please use this resource to ensure your are familiar with the curriculum and capability outcomes that need to be achieved and evidence in training.
In each training placement (whether an ICM or dual specialty post) trainees should be assigned an ICM educational supervisor (ES) who will be able to provide local support and guidance. If you are not placed in an ICM programme post (i.e. you are in your partner specialty) then it is likely that your Faculty Tutor is unaware of you and you will need to contact them to arrange an ICM ES. If you experience any problems, please contact your Regional Advisor or TPD.
The ES is responsible for the overall supervision and management of a doctor’s educational progress during a placement or a series of placements. Trainees should regularly meet with their ICM Educational Supervisor (at the start, middle and end of a placement as a minimum) to review progress and achievement of learning outcomes. They are also responsible for the educational agreement, and for bringing together all relevant evidence to form a summative judgement about progression at the end of the placement or a series of placements. If at any stage, you are concerned or running into difficulty, please contact your ES, Faculty Tutor (FT) or TPD as soon as possible.
Special Skills Year (SSY)
The LSICM supports single specialty ICM trainees in their choice of a Special Skills Year. On joining the programme we recommend that you read the FICM handbook and have a think about which SSY you would like to undertake and then discuss this with your ES and Stage 2 TPD. The Stage 2 TPD will seek your top three SSY preferences at least one year in advance of commencement. Should a placement be over-subscribed, your ranking at national recruitment will be used to allocate placements.
LSICM can likely support any SSY in the curriculum but if not, we can help identify a suitable placement which can be undertaken as an OOPT (subject to GMC and FICM approval).
Please be aware that ICM SSY's only form part of the single specialty ICM curriculum. If you are a dual trainee and wish to undertake this experience, you can do this by arranging an OOPE or post-CCT fellowship.
In tandem with the roll out of the 2021 ICM curriculum in August 2021, a new e-portfolio was introduced by FICM; the Lifelong Learning Platform (LLP). All trainees on the 2021 ICM Curriculum will need to record their training/progress on the LLP.
If you already have an LLP login and username (for example as an ACCS Anaes trainee or trainer) then you will need to contact the Faculty so that your ICM role can be added to your pre-existing account. This will mean that you do not need to log in and out of the LLP in order to access your different roles within it.
There are a number of excellent resources on the FICM website to help support your familiarisation with the LLP.
The FFICM examination is taken during Stage 2 of training and must be completed before moving into Stage 3 ICM training. For dual anaesthesia and ICM trainees, the FFICM and FRCA are stage 2 curricular requirements, however it is recognised by RCOA/FICM and the GMC that undertaking 2 specialty exams in a short period may not be achievable for some. In view of this a trainee is permitted to progress to a Stage 3 post in anaesthesia (if they wish) without the FFICM and vice versa, on the proviso all other curricular requirements for both specialities are met.
The qualification comprises two parts – an MCQ and an OSCE/Structured Oral Examination. Details regarding eligibility and exemptions and the examinations calendar can be found on the FICM website, along with excellent resources for candidates.
If you are struggling with any component of the exam or reaching a critical progression point (end of stage 2) without it, please discuss this with your ES and TPD so that they can support you.
It is a requirement of training programmes that an Annual Review of Competence Progression (ARCP) is undertaken each year. In the London School of ICM, we try to align the timing of your annual ICM ARCP with critical progression points; e.g. end of stage. This means your ARCP may not be at the end of an academic year.
If you are a dual trainee, please also be aware you will have an ARCP in both specialities on an annual basis and only your ICM portfolio can be accessed and reviewed at the ICM ARCP. The ICM Operations Team will email you with the intended ARCP date and what information/evidence is required so please keep an eye out for this communication and read it carefully. All ICM ARCP’s are held in absentia.
Whilst the ARCP process can seem quite daunting, it should be relatively straightforward with steady preparation during each academic year. In addition to regular meetings with your Educational Supervisor (ES), we recommend liaising with your Educational Supervisor and Faculty Tutor. As soon as you are made aware of your ARCP date so they can support you in your ARCP preparation. This will allowed them to compile & submit an Educational Supervisor’s Structured Report (ESSR) with plenty of notice.
The exact requirements for each year’s ARCP will depend on your stage of training. There is excellent ICM ARCP Guidance and an ARCP checklist on the FICM website.
For the purposes of revalidation you will also need to upload a Form R which outlines your full scope of practice (including any additional work, paid or not, which requires GMC registration). This applies even if you are on statutory leave or out of programme.
Please note the following and avoid common pitfalls:
- You will receive a comprehensive email from the NHSE Operations Team outlining what you need to submit for your ARCP. Please read this carefully and include everything detailed in the communication.
- The Educational Supervisors Structured Report is a vital and essential piece of information which helps inform the ARCP panel and anything that needs to be viewed by the panel must be linked to the ESSR.
- Please be aware that the “Document Store” cannot be viewed ARCP panels
- The ESSR must cover the full date range from your previous ARCP – linked evidence outside the date range is not visible to an ARCP panel.
- Please ensure you link a logbook summary. The panel will want to view cumulative numbers of procedures and as well as numbers of procedures undertaken since your last ARCP. FICM has a number of recommended logbook resources.
- All evidence including the Form R must be linked before submission and Educational Supervisor & FT “sign off” otherwise it cannot be viewed by the ARCP panel.
- Please ensure you upload the Form R itself (not the notification of completion of form R). The link to complete the Form R can be found in your ARCP invite.
- If you are a Dual Anaesthesia/ICM trainee, please be aware that the panel can only view evidence in your ICM portfolio (even if you have linked it through from your anaesthesia portfolio to your ICM ESSR). Therefore, any evidence in your anaesthetic portfolio which needs to be reviewed by the ICM ARCP Panel needs to be loaded onto the ICM section of LLP and linked accordingly.
- You will be notified via the Lifelong Learning Platform when your outcome form has been completed by the ARCP panel. Please remember to review this form and accept it. The panel will provide feedback on the form, please note any objectives and if a provisional next ARCP date under 1 year has been set by the panel. If you are unsure of any of the comments on the form or objectives that have been set, please discuss these with your TPD.
More information on ARCP’s & FAQ’s can be found on the PGMDE Support Portal.
End of Stage
Your end of stage will be assessed at an ARCP as well as the usual evidence. The panel will be looking to see completion of the curricular requirements documented in HiLLOs and acquisition of the FFICM for the end of Stage 2. If you are unsure of your current end of stage date then please contact your TPD.
When you have successfully completed your end of stage, the ARCP panel will confirm your end of stage date and that a certificate can be issued. They will ask you to send an end-of-stage certificate ticket to your Regional Advisor Including your end of stage date, exam pass dates and SSY (second specialty if a dual trainee). You should follow this with an emaul to the Regioanl Advisor outlining all of this information and ccing your TPD. There are 5 regional advisors covering London (NW, NC, NE, SW and SE), and for the purposes of your end of stage certificate you should contact the RA that is local to your Trust. Please carefully read your ARCP outcome form for this information.
There are a number of steps you as the trainee will need to take in the lead up to, and after, completion of training in order to be added to the specialist register. Please click here for more information
If you have any queries please contact the Stage 3 London ICM TPD
Regional Training Days RTDs are organised by LSICM and FICM trainers.. There are 10 half day (2pm - 5pm) sessions per annum, being held once a month excluding August and January.
Each hospital that receives LSICM trainees organises a half day programme for the school. These may be held via MS Teams, face to face or a hybrid format. The Healthcare Education team assist in organising publication of the agenda and will also help with the smooth transition between talks and speakers. ICM trainees must register to access the London School of Intensive Care Medicine RTD catalogue on the NHS Learning Hub to view previous training day content.
The training days are delivered as a two year rolling programme covering the entire Intensive Care Medicine curriculum.
For all Regional Training Day and event information please access the Events Calendar section of the website by clicking here. Once on the calendar use the search functions on the calendar to find the RTD programme or event required.
Please contact Dr De la Cerda (RTD TPD) or the Health Education Team via the PGMDE Support Portal for any queries about the RTD programme.
London ICM Regional Training Days Timetable
LSICM has recently piloted a fully immersive, high fidelity, simulation training day aimed at stage 2 trainees. The training day covers specialist modules (neuro, cardiac and common high stakes encounters.
We are rolling this out across ten dates per academic year in two centres, which should allow trainees to select a date and centre most convenient to them. It is free of cost to you, and we hope that all Stage 2 trainees will partake in the course before entering Stage 3.
In years to come we hope to further expand our simulation training opportunities at a school wide level, and respond to learning needs/requests of our trainees to tailor these opportunities. For further information regarding simulation opportunities in LSICM please contact David Melia Simulation TPD.
London ICM Simulation Timetable
NOTE: Simulation course links will not be visible on a mobile device in portrait. Please use a desktop/laptop computer to book onto the course.
Please be aware when applying for this course you must have confirmed time off for this course. Group sizes are necessarily small and places are valuable. They cannot be easily refilled at short notice.
NHS England London have published lists per specialty on the PGMDE Support Portal which detail the courses Schools consider mandatory to support curriculum requirements and those that are optional.
For more information about Study Leave - click here.
The London School of ICM course list can be found here
In the event you wish to undertake a course outside the mandatory and optional lists please make a prospective application following the discretionary course process. This includes seeking support from your TPD. Please email the TPD and include the points below which provides details of the course, estimated costs and justification for attending the course and justification if it is outside of London. If your TPD approves your request it will be sent to the HoS for approval before final approval is given. If at any point along the approval process your request is declined you will be emailed and informed why.
- Name of course
- Course location
- Course dates
- Course fees
- Estimated travel/accommodation expenses
- Justification for attending the course*, linked to trainee’s PDP and learning objectives and confirmation that the trainee has not already received funding for an international event during the current period of training (i.e. Foundation or core or higher training programmes, trainees in run through or dual programmes can apply for international events every 3 years as a maximum)
- Justification for attending a course located outside of London, Kent, Surrey & Sussex.
* Please note that trainees seeking leadership training should in the first instance be encouraged to access the free NHS Leadership Academy Edward Jenner or the LEEP programme delivered by an NHS Trust or HEE and should only consider other options when these courses are not available. Please confirm you have explored these options in your application.
LSICM is committed to enhancing junior doctors working lives and there are many initiatives available to ICM trainees to train more flexibly. These include Less Than Full Time (LTFT) training as well as the opportunity to take time Out of Programme to address personal circumstances/requirements or advance career development. Please discuss your LTFT and OOP plans as soon as possible with your TPD (both specialities if dual training) and be mindful of the application deadlines outlined in NSHE and WTE guidance.
Please ensure you are familiar with the LTFT guidance and application process. LTFT applications for parental care, disability or ill health caring responsibilities can be applied for at any point in training. Please apply at least 16 weeks in advance of your intended start date. A start date of less than 16 weeks will only be considered in exceptional circumstances.
Trainees applying for all other criteria must ensure ensue their application for LTFT training are submitted during the set time frame windows (click here) according to rotation start dates, this is in part to enable sufficient time to inform trusts if a trainee will be training LTFT.
Useful LTFT resources
The Faculty for Intensive Care Medicine also have some useful resources to help navigate a number of considerations
NHS Employers Less than full time medical trainees guidance
Out of Programme
There are a number if different types of OOP which trainees can prospectively apply for
In order to plan your OOP and make a successful application please read the OOP guidance and be aware of the following:
- OOP is not normally supported in stage 1 training and will only be considered under exceptional circumstances.
- OOP is not normally supported in the final year of training and trainees must be back in the UK and in programme for the final six month of training.
- OOP applications will be reviewed by LSICM within windows to aid decision making. Early OOP applications will be deferred to the relevant OOP panel window.
- If a trainee wants to apply for an OOP, however the job advertisement or interview falls within the 6 months notice period, the trainee should discuss with their TPD and apply for OOP in advance to meet the NHSE notice period. The panel can approve the application, noting that this is pending successful outcome at interview.
- if you are dual trainee please ensure both programme TPDs have been consulted and support your application. Only one application needs to be submitted however the signatures of both TPDs will be required.
Windows |
OOP start date |
Deadline for OOP Application (at least 6 months in advance for OOPs) |
OOP Panel review window |
1 |
Beginning of February |
Beginning of August |
1st 10 days of Sept |
2 |
Beginning of May |
Beginning of November |
1st 10 days of Nov |
3 |
Beginning of August |
Beginning of February |
1st 10 days of Feb |
4 |
Beginning of November |
Beginning of May |
1st 10 days of May
All trainees going out on OOP are required to complete SuppoRTT (Supported Return To Training) paperwork as part of the application process.
Returning to training following a period of absence
Trainees who have been out of training for a while, regardless of reason can access Supported Return to Training (SuppoRTT) resources. The scheme aims to support all trainees to safely and confidently return to training after a sustained period of absence of three months or more. Those absent for a shorter period may also opt in. Returning trainees are eligible for courses that are not covered by the usual study leave process and they are able to claim funding for supernumerary sessions. Each trust has SRTT champion as does each school.
All trainees anticipating time out of training should meet with their educational supervisor pre absence, about 12-16 weeks pre return and as soon as possible following return to work in order to design a personalised return to work package. There are 3 helpful forms that support these discussions and need to be be completed by trainee. Please click here for more information.
The forms are also used to apply for funding which can include supervised clinical sessions. Please make use of this as needed. (Most ICM trainees find undertaking a period of supernumerary practice, including sessions in theatres to brush up their technical skillset, extremely helpful. This is usually organised at a local level using SuppoRTT scheme funding or carried out on KIT/SPLIT days). RCOA also offer return to work courses however please be aware they are very popular and frequently over subscribed, so careful advance planning is needed.
Dual trainees may have additional concerns regarding return to practice in their partner specialty, especially if they are leaving from and returning to an ICM placement. Dual trainees planning a period of absence should link up with both programme's ES/TPD SuppoRTT champions so all return to specialty needs are addressed.
Other useful resources
FICM "return to practice webpage" This includes the FICM 2020 Return to work document which contains a useful framework to help guide conversations.
In addition to support provided locally by Educational Supervisors, ICM Departments and Trusts & TPD’s, NHS England have a number of resources to help support you during your training including:
The Professional Support Unit (PSU) provides a free service primarily aimed at supporting the progression of postgraduate training for healthcare professionals. The PSU operates independently from training programmes and provides confidential support and advice, by self referral, on many aspects of professional development including:
- Confidential 1;1 advice or support via Single Point of Contact (SPOC) service
- Coaching
- Careers advice
- Psychological support for doctors & dentists
- Specialist communication and linguistics skills support
- Access to dyslexia assessments and specialist and dyslexia coaching
- Access to neurodiversity resources
- Support for those Returning to Practice
- Courses, Groups, Workshops & e-learning
- Individual Support Team (IST) support
- Access to wellbeing & self management resources
The Supported Return to Training (SuppoRTT) programme is a resource which aims to support all trainees to safely and confidently return to training after a sustained period of absence. This applies to all trainees absent for 3 months or more, regardless of reason.
Additional Resources
BMA wellbeing support services directory
Please use the england.acpenquirieslondon@nhs.net inbox for any queries or messages for the HEE Advancing Practice team.
Useful resources:
The Centre for Advancing Practice
Further information regarding ACCP training and Careers
Training resources
Colleges and Societies
- The Faculty for Intensive Care Medicine (FICM)
- The Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCoA)
- The Intensive Care Society (ICS)
- The European Society of Intensive Care Medicine
Educational Resources
FICM Learning is an educational platform with access to relevant e-learning modules, blogs, podcasts, webinars and regular case of the month.
The Bottom Line - Summary and analysis of ICM related publications.
Life in the Fastlane critical Care Compendium- entry level summaries for all things critical care.
Derangedphysiology.com-detailed resource primarily focused on the physiology of ICM
The Internet Book of Critical Care
Please see below for London School of Intensive Care Medicine bulletins: