The London School of Anaesthesia is comprised of two Anaesthetic training programmes, one in North London and one in South London. We train anaesthetists based in all geographical areas of London. Working in world-renowned centres of excellence, trainees have an unparalleled opportunity to participate in every possible range, type, and specialty of anaesthetic practice. Programmes are led by enthusiastic, experienced and committed trainers.  The diverse nature of London's population offers unique clinical challenges and the opportunity to work in a variety of clinical contexts. These include district general hospitals, dedicated ambulatory care centres, teaching hospitals, research units and specialist internationally renowned centres including Great Ormond Street Hospital, Queen’s Square, UCLH, Bart’s Health, St George’s Hospital, Guys and St Thomas' Hospital, King’s College Hospital, Imperial, and Queen Charlotte’s Hospital.

The School works closely with its constituent programmes of ICM, the Royal College of Anaesthetists and Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine to take maximum advantage of the excellent resources and opportunities London has to offer. We are enhancing access to state-of-the-art simulation centres to provide additional training opportunities and we offer a range of didactic teaching and training courses. Trainees sit on the Anaesthetic Specialty Training Committees and elect representatives to sit on the board of the London School of Anaesthesia. We believe training in the London School of Anaesthesia represents an opportunity to become part of a world-class scheme that will benefit not only our patients but generations of trainees to come.

North London Anaesthetic Programme

The North London Anaesthetic Programme comprises of 3 excellent rotations, the North East, North Central and North West rotations. Although trainees rotate through their own regions there are many joint activities including joint regional training days, and a joint North London ATM / SIA process.  

For more information regarding the North East, North Central and North West Anaesthetic Programmes, please access the links below:

South London Anaesthetic Programme

The South London Anaesthetic Programme comprises of 2 excellent rotations, one in the South East and one in the South West. Although trainees rotate through their own regions there are many joint activities including joint regional training days, and a joint ATM / SIA process that also includes the KSS School of Anaesthesia.

For more information regarding the South East and South West Anaesthetic Programmes, please access the links below:

Pain Medicine Programme

SIA in Pain Medicine

The SIA in Pain Medicine is a competency and time-based year (or work time equivalent if LTFT) of advanced pain training undertaken during years ST6/7. It builds on pain training experience at Stages 2 and 3, although it is not necessary that Stage 3 Pain is completed before embarking on the SIA in Pain Medicine (stage 3 Pain can be completed alongside the SIA). A SIA in Pain Medicine may also be undertaken as a 6-month post.

During the SIA in Pain Medicine, trainees will gain experience in multidisciplinary team working to provide physical, pharmacological, interventional and psychological management of acute, acute on chronic, chronic and cancer-related pain. Key capabilities will include being able to manage referrals/ triage within the pain service; manage an outpatient pain medicine clinic; manage pain procedural cases; participate effectively within a pain multidisciplinary team; manage patients taking drugs of potential addiction; understand the socioeconomic, occupational health and medico legal aspects of pain medicine; understand the healthcare infrastructure and the pain service; manage pain in paediatric patients (chronic and inpatient acute pain); and in cancer patients.

Curriculum Please refer to the RCoA FPM document ‘Guide to Pain Medicine training in the 2021 Anaesthetics Curriculum’ under 'Useful Links/ Resources'. Further information on the curriculum can be found on the RCoA FPM website.
Assessment During the SIA in Pain Medicine, trainees will undergo quarterly assessment with their Pain Faculty Tutor and form biannual reviews led by the TPD and RAs.  Assessment forms can be found under useful links/resources below and on the RCOA FPM website.
Logbook Trainees are required to maintain a pain logbook; an example of which may be found below.
Regional Study Days Trainees are also required to attend a programme of teaching over the year that is delivered virtually and/or face-to-face on a monthly basis. 
Training Updates Trainees should register with the Faculty of Pain Medicine. This will ensure you are on a training updates mailing list and connected into training activities.


Rotations / Trusts

Currently, there are 12 posts across London and KSS.

For trainees who wish to apply for the SIA in Pain Medicine, information on each training centre is provided below, including contact information and details of any anaesthetic on-call commitment during the SIA. Please note that pairings for rotations sometimes change but will be advertised in advance. To view this information, please click on the relevant link below:

Application process:

Application for the SIA in Pain Medicine occurs annually in September.  It is a competitive application via an online application form.  Applicants are anonymised for scoring and ranking.  You will be asked to preference the available posts and will be given the opportunity to let us know of any personal circumstances you wish to be taken into account prior to allocation

Please see link below for application form:

FFPMRCA Examination

The FFPMRCA examination was established in 2012 and covers both practical clinical knowledge and knowledge of relevant sciences.

Guidance relating to the FFPMRCA examination and upcoming dates can be found on the FPM website. Please see link below:

Useful links / resources

Anaesthesia Associates

naesthesia Associates (AAs) are highly skilled professionals, trained to safely deliver anaesthesia under the direction and supervision of a consultant anaesthetist. AAs are a continuous, flexible and reliable workforce that can contribute to an anaesthetic department in many different ways.

London Anaesthesia Associate (AA) Training Programme

The London Anaesthesia Associate training programme is responsible for the delivery and quality assurance of training and education of AAs across London. There are 12 Student Anaesthesia Associates currently training within our London programme. 

Training Programme Lead                                      London Anaesthesia Associate Ambassador

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Dr Daniel Heaton                                                      Frances Marfleet

Consultant Anaesthetist UCLH                              Anaesthesia Associate UCLH

For more information, please email Daniel Heaton and Frances Marfleet.

University College London (UCL)

In September 2021, UCL launched the Anaesthesia and Perioperative Science Master’s Programme. This equips student AAs with the academic and professional qualities to undertake the role of an Anaesthesia Associate. This is a two-year blended learning programme taught by experts in the perioperative field. Please visit the website for more information.

Royal College of Anaesthetists and AAs 

The Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCoA) hold the AA Managed Voluntary Register (MVR). All qualified AAs are encouraged to maintain their presence on the AA Managed Voluntary Register. Alongside this, AAs are eligible to become affiliate members of the RCoA.

Together with the General Medical Council, the RCoA has developed the Anaesthesia Associate Curriculum to ensure quality of knowledge and training and to align professional standards.

The RCoA has developed an AA scope of practice document to outline supervision standards and appropriate ways of working. Find more about the RCoA and AAs.

In March 2023 we held an Anaesthesia Associate information event at the Royal College of Anaesthetists. You can hear presentations from the day on the AA role and introducing AAs into an anaesthetic department.

General Medical Council and AAs

The General Medical Council (GMC) is currently designing the processes and policies required to regulate Anaesthesia Associates. Regulation with the GMC is expected to begin in the second half of 2024. Please visit the GMC website for more information.

Association of Anaesthesia Associates

The Association of Anaesthesia Associates is the representative body of the Anaesthesia Associate role in the UK. The aims of the Association are to:

  • ensure the highest standards of patient care through the education and registration of Anaesthesia Associates
  • promote the interests of the profession nationally.

Useful resources 

To hear about the experience of the Consultant Anaesthetists working with AAs and of AAs themselves, please visit the NHSE Anaesthesia Associate webpage to watch some filmed interviews.



PDF icon funding_application_form.pdf

PDF icon funding_and_eoi_guidance_document.pdf

PDF icon student_aa_job_description.pdf

PDF icon a_guide_to_supervising_student_anaesthesia_associates.pdf

PDF icon anaesthesia_associates_-_strengthening_the_anaesthesia_workforce.pdf